About Rocket Software: Thousands of companies around the world depend on Rocket to solve their most challenging business problems by helping them run their critical infrastructure, business processes, and data, as well as extending the value of these assets to take advantage of cloud and mobile computing, advanced analytics, and other future innovations. From the clothes we wear to the cars we drive, Rocket solutions power the back-end systems that thousands of brands we interact with every day. At Rocket, software has always been about people—not just ones and zeroes. We’re people solving problems for other people, and we strive to treat our customers, partners, and fellow Rocketeers with humanity. Founded in 1990, Rocket Software is headquartered in Waltham, MA, with 31 offices around the world. Rocket Software成立于1990年,公司成立的最初5年主要致力于为部署IBM DB2的IBM 大型机用户提供软件解决方案,并通过OEM方式由IBM的全球销售渠道授权给企业用户使用。此后,Rocket Software扩大了其软件OEM业务,涵盖了企业基础软件设施产品的多个领域,包括商业智能、存储、网络管理、终端仿真、软件集成、安全和数据库等等。除IBM外,Rocket还将产品授权给了许多重要的OEM伙伴,包括Microsoft、RSA、EMC、Nortel、Motorola、HP等。 在向软件产品研发进行大量投入的同时,Rocket Software于2000年开始了一系列的战略收购,陆续收购了TCSI、ServerGraph、ASTRAC、BlueZone、MainStar、 Arkivio、CorVu、Seagull 、U2、Aldon 等公司及产品线。目前,Rocket Software拥有100余种软件产品,这些产品既可以通过OEM合作伙伴和分销商进行销售,也可以通过Rocket Software并购的自有品牌的销售渠道进行直销。 Rocket Software非常重视被并购的公司中员工的技术能力和专长,我们努力保持其团队的完整性,并委托他们管理和扩大其最初建立的产品线。这种理念使Rocket Software成长为在全球(包括东、西欧、澳大利亚、亚洲和北美)拥有700余名员工的企业。 Rocket Software不仅为员工提供了具有竞争力的薪资和福利,还为员工提供了各种事业发展的机会。如果您想进一步了解Rocket Software,查看更多

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