american international group,inc.(aig) is the world's leading international insurance and financial services organization, with operations in approximately 130 countries and jurisdictions. aig member companies serve commercial, institutional customers through the most extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any insurer. in united states, aig companies are the largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance, and aig american general is a top-ranked life insurer. aig's global businesses also include financial services, retirement services and asset management. aig's financial services businesses include aircraft leasing, financial products, trading and market making. aig's growing global consumer finance business is led in the united states by american general finance. aig also has one of the largest u.s. retirement services through aig sunamerica and aig valic, and is a leader in asset management for the individual and institutional markets, with specialized investment management capabilities in equities, fixed income, alternative investments and real estate. aig's common stock is listed on the new york stock exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in london, paris, switzerland and tokyo.<br><br>aiu insurance company shenzhen branch is a subsidiary of american international group inc.(aig). as the first foreign general insurance company in shenzhen, we welcome talented, dynamic and energetic individuals to join us and are willing to help them build a long-term and successful career in an efficient working environment.<br><br>美国国际集团(aig)是誉满全球的国际性保险及金融服务机构,业务遍及全球一百三十多个国家及地区,透过其成员公司庞大的、全球化的财产意外险及人寿保险服务网络,竭诚为各商业机构和个人客户提供最全面的服务。美国国际集团成员公司是美国最大的工商保险机构,旗下的 aig american general 更是全美最大的人寿保险机构。美国国际集团的国际业务更包括金融服务、退休金管理服务及资产管理。其金融服务业务范围包括飞机租赁、金融产品及促进其市场交易。美国国际集团不断发展的全球消费者信贷业务主要由全国的 american general finance 管理。同时,透过旗下的 aig sunamerica 及 aig valic,集团现已成为全美首屈一指的退休金管理服务机构之一。美国国际集团亦是个人和大型企业投资管理市场中的翘楚,为客户提供专业的股票、定息证券、地产及其他投资管理服务。美国国际集团的股票在纽约、伦敦、巴黎、瑞士及东京的股票市场均有上市。<br><br>美国美亚保险公司(aiu insurance company, 简称"aiu")是美国国际集团的成员公司之一,她于1919年在上海成立,并于1992重回中国内地开展业务,为三资企业提供各类产物保险(非寿险类)。伴随着美亚保险深圳分公司的不断成长与发展,我们诚挚邀请热诚、自信且勇于承担的人士加入。<br><br>有意者请将中英文简历、学历证书复印件、近照及薪金要求邮寄、e-mail或传真至本公司人力资源部,请注明应聘职位。谢绝来电来访,未录用者资料将存入公司人才库备用,不予退还,敬请见谅。<br><br>如需进一步了解美国国际集团,欢迎登陆本公司网址。<br>更多职位请通过搜索引擎查询。查看更多
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