荷兰sprankel beheer b.v 深圳代表处<br>we are a dutch import company and furniture wholesaler, answering to the names of sprankel, kastel and maxfurn. we sell products of our own designs and we are established in the netherlands, where every week 68 containers set off to no fewer than 780 different retailers.we aim to achieve long-lasting and relaxed cooperation and provide our suppliers with the latest design innovations. we are also constantly searching for the right balance between standard possibilities and the consumer’s desires. trendwatching being our major objective, it is necessary for us to have intensive relations with our suppliers. our design department is run by four full-time designers, who are constantly engaged in thinking up a large number of novelties. <br> 我公司成立十七年,是荷兰最大的家具批发商之一,给八百多家店供货,在全球批发采购,销售量在欧洲排名前列。查看更多

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