维科企业(深圳)管理有限公司是一家国际知名的专业人力资源顾问咨询公司。我们为客户提供专业独到的人才解决方案,为职场人士的职业生涯保驾护航。 <br><br>维科的专业顾问群,具备丰富的行业经验,能为客户及人才提供最完善的服务与选择。<br><br>○ 我们客户涉及电子制造、金融、物流、服装、地产及商业、通信、it、汽车、制药、消费品、能源化工等行业<br><br><br>○ 我们力量的源泉是拥有一批高质量高素质的团队,和各行业专家的加盟 <br><br>wincareer, specializing in the field of head-hunting, is an international well-known company.our business scope mainly includes but not limites employment advisory service for intermediate and senior long-term position. we are able to provide insightful solution, guide the talented person’s careers. <br> wincareer, possessing the rich profession experience, is skilful in recruiting all kinds of talented person in intermediate and senior long-term position.furthermore, we can provide the client and the talented person with most perfect service and the choice.<br><br>○ we have established huge human resources network, involving electronic manufacture, financial, logistics, clothing, real estate and commercial, correspondence, it, automobile, drugs manufacture, consumable, energy chemical industry.<br><br>○ our success comes from the high-quality head-hunting team we own and various expert's alliance.<br><br> (以免浪费大家时间本公司所有职位谢绝应届生投递.请勿重复投递)查看更多

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