F&G was founded in cologne, Germany in 1874. It has been one of the leading suppliers of high-quality products and services in the power engineering field through the development of 130 year. F&G China Electric Ltd was founded in ZhuHai in 1991, as the first German wholly owned enterprise in China since open door policy have been executed. F&G provide reliable medium voltage SF6 insulated Ring Main Units and vacuum breakers, outdoor substations, cable distribution cubical which broad used in airport, power distribution network, railway station, hotel, and hospital. Let us very proud is that our products have been used in the most important building and large infrastructure facility in China such as Tiananmen square and East pearl TV tower in PuDong, ZhuHai airport etc. According to core value of “Speed, Accuracy, Teamwork”, we are looking for highly motivated, energetic and capable talents to join our team and offering attractive salary and career opportunities. F&G于1874年成立于德国的科隆,经过130年的发展,已经成为电气领域提供高品质产品和服务的主要供应商。 费尔腾-吉尧姆(中国)电气有限公司于1991年成立于珠海,是中国推行改革开放以来的第一家德国全资子公司,我们主要提供高品质的SF6中压环网开关柜、真空断路器、户外环网开关站、分支箱和电缆附件,这些产品广泛用于机场、电力、火车站,宾馆、酒店和医院。令我们自豪的是我们已经成功为天安门广场、东方明珠电视塔和珠海机场等一些重要建筑提供产品和服务。 “快速、精确、协作”是公司追求的经营理念,公司重视员工和企业的共同发展,为每一个积极进取,有创造力的员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬和广阔的发展空间。 公司主要福利如下: 1. 每周五天工作日,每天工作八小时。 2. 享受五项基本社会保险及人身意外保险。 3. 为员工购买住房公积金。 4. 按国家规定享受病假、婚假、产假(陪产假)、丧假及法定节日假等有薪假期。 5. 员工根据在职年限每年享有10-15天的带薪年假。 6. 根据员工个人绩效及公司业绩分别享受年终奖金。 7. 每年进行年度调薪,业绩优秀者,其薪金与职位调整不受时间限制。 8. 完善的培训体系。为员工个人发展创造良好机会。查看更多

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