all products online corporation, headquartered in san jose, ca, is one of the leading business-to-business ecommerce companies for the greater china area (china, hong kong, taiwan). runs international and regional b2b marketplaces to provide b2b product promotion and transaction. the product and supplier database has complete product specifications, supplier data, and online transaction services to meet the needs of buyers and sellers worldwide. <br><br> is known as the first company in taiwan to provide a product database to international buyers. the company kept its pioneer spirit as the first to give full coverage of the greater china area b2b market, both internationally and domestically. the goal to realize is to strengthening the economic ties within the greater china area and bringing the greater china area economy closer to the global stage. <br><br>the name "all products" was chosen to reflect the company's mission: to provide buyers and sellers with all products they need to succeed in their business. for this purpose established international and regional b2b marketplaces with different vertical markets to meet the needs of the different industries. volume buyers and sellers of the greater china area can now trade easily and save time and money. an international team of more than 250 skilled and experienced internet and marketing professionals in usa, taiwan and mainland china is working together to fullfil this mission. <br><br>the vision of founder dr. sanko lan is to speed up the formation of the global village by facilitating the flow of the goods around the world, as to reach the balance between the global production and consumption.<br><br><br>亚普达集团allproducts.com是一家致力于国际贸易网络社群并导向先进b2b国际电子商务范畴的网络企业。为了使贸易伙伴在全球快速成长的经济舞台上更具有国际竞争优势,亚普达allproducts.com创立了网络交易平台让全球的买主及卖方能轻易地接触及开发到新的市场及区域。在allproducts.com亚普达所建立的网络交易市集里提供了很丰富的商业信息、平易近人的交易平台,以及多项高附加价值的优质服务,让从事于国际贸易的人士在贸易运作流程上更轻而易举。在这些网络交易市集中除确保可随时取得最新信息外,令人惊讶的是提供买主及卖方两者所信赖且方便的营销方式及快速达成交易的过程。更好的是替从事国际贸易的企业节省时间、人力及花费,避免不必要的浪费。在1996年八月,拥有史丹佛大学电机工程博士头衔的创办人蓝信彰博士,率领一群分布在美国及台湾优秀的工程及营销人才,正式创立allproducts.com亚普达集团。创始动机为改善大中华区域与欧美间贸易信息流通及建立更扎实的商务关系。原本在台湾设立的公司也因业务范围逐年的扩大,再2000年二月于美国加州圣荷西市成立总部。秉持着领导电子市集与全球资源搜寻服务的供应者,亚普达allproducts.com正朝向整合的目标前进。我们不仅致力于加强自身的专业知识与技术,并且将心力放置于不断的带给客户在商务上的成功与成就。<br><br>2002年,亚普达集团allproducts.com针对市场的需求,引进了seo技术,可以充分让搜寻引擎巨擘googl及yahoo!撷取最正确的信息,无论全球买主从哪的搜寻入口找寻商品,都能让亚普达的产品型录呈现于客户的眼前,达到的one click营销效应。于2004年更引进了iseemedia的技术,让客户商品可以动态的与买主之间互动,增添第一次询问的准确性,缩短交易的时程。<br><br>感谢各位陪伴亚普达allproducts.com一同成长。我们存在的价值与光明的未来皆来自客户的全力支持与满意度。查看更多

- 公司名称: 宁波江东亚普达信息技术有限公司
- 公司状态: 吊销,未注销
- 行业: 软件和信息技术服务业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 江东百丈路168号(19-44)
- 法人代表: 刘江
- 注册资本: 10万人民币
- 注册时间: 2007年01月05日
- 注册号: 330204000000502
- 统一社会信用代码: 913302047960254802
- 组织机构代码: 796025480
- 登记机关: 宁波市江东区市场监督管理局(保留)
- 注册地址: 江东百丈路168号(19-44)
- 营业期限: 2007-01-05至2017-01-04
- 核准日期: 2007年07月06日
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