德国宝峨集团是国际最著名的专业基础工程承包商及设备制造商之一。宝峨公司成立于1790年,至今已有两百多年历史,总部位于德国巴伐利亚州舒本豪森市。从1950年开始,现任集团总裁卡尔汉兹•宝峨博士将宝峨公司逐步发展成为世界性的著名的基础工程承包商和设备制造商。1986年,托马斯•宝峨教授担任宝峨集团首席执行官,在他的带领下公司业务发展日趋壮大,拥有最全面的基础施工设备产品线,产品涵盖了基础施工所需的各种设备,宝峨旋挖钻机、地连墙液压抓斗、地连墙双轮铣槽机等产品均处于全球领先地位。宝峨公司在全球范围内成立了40多个子公司及分支机构。至2001年宝峨集团的总产值已超过6亿欧元。<br><br>1992年宝峨公司在中国北京设立了代表处,开始了对华的业务.并于1995年在天津成立了独资子公司-宝峨天津机械工程有限公司,组装适合中国市场的宝峨bg20型旋挖钻机。1998年在上海又成立了中德合资公司,现在成为独资子公司-上海宝峨机械股份有限公司,生产组装bg15型旋挖钻机和gb24型地连墙液压抓斗。<br><br>德国宝峨公司已为国内近百家施工企业提供了基础施工相关设备及技术工艺。其中宝峨bc系列的双轮铣槽机曾应用于举世瞩目的长江三峡二期围堰防渗墙、润扬长江大桥、深圳地铁等工程中复杂地层的施工。2001年开始,宝峨bg系列旋挖钻机大量应用于国家重点项目—青藏铁路的建设,并发挥了极为重要的作用。<br><br>宝峨公司全体同仁真诚希望以我们丰富的施工经验、优良的设备性能、完善的售后服务及在国内市场的良好声誉为更多的中国用户提供高品质的服务,共同拓展更为广阔的合作空间。<br><br>today, bauer group has become one of the world leading foundation contractors and foundation equipments manufacturers. its history can be traced back to 1790 in schrobenhausen, bavaria, where the headquarter lies.<br><br>since 1950, dr. karlheinz bauer has developed bauer into a famous leading foundation contractor and foundation equipments manufacturer. in the year of 1986, prof. thomas bauer became the president of bauer group, under his leadership, bauer expands his business into more than 40 countries all over the world with subsidiaries and regional offices. in the year 2001 the total turnover of bauer group reached 605 million euro. bauer maschinen gmbh produces nearly all kinds of foundation equipments, such as rotary drilling rigs, hydraulic grabs, trench cutters, and anchor drilling rigs, decanters etc.<br><br>bauer beijing rep. office was opened in 1992, and the wholly owned company bauer tianjin technologies co. ltd was founded in 1994 in tianjin, which assembles rotary drilling rig bg20. later on in 1998 a joint venture in shanghai, which is now a wholly owned company shanghai bauer technologies co. ltd, started the production with rotary drilling rig bg15 and hydraulic diaphragm wall grab gb24. with the production in china, it provides the most economic solution for the chinese customers. bauer has provided his special equipments and technology to the world wide famous projects in china, such as three-gorge-dam, tibet railway and also the subway construction in shenzhen and shanghai, etc . especially to be mentioned is that bauer has provided nearly 60% of foundation equipments to the biggest railway project in the china 10th five year plan, qinghai-tibet railway, and now are playing the great role in the construction from germu to tibet.<br><br>bauer staff sincerely hopes that we can serve our customers well with our abundant experiences, high standard quality equipments and in-time after sales service; thereby cooperate with you in a more spacious perspective.查看更多
- 公司名称: 上海宝峨机械有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 通用设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 上海市嘉定区黄渡协通工业园区四区曹联路28号
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: Dieter Helmut Kurt Stetter
- 注册资本: 420万美元
- 注册时间: 1998年04月02日
- 注册号: 310000400191291
- 统一社会信用代码: 913100006073889024
- 组织机构代码: 607388902
- 登记机关: 上海市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 上海市嘉定区黄渡协通工业园区四区曹联路28号
- 营业期限: 1998-04-02至2028-04-01
- 核准日期: 2019年08月19日
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