御茶园茶业简介<br><br><br> 史上将专门为皇帝将相贡茶的茶园钦封为“御茶园”。御茶园一向代表的是中国茶中最尊贵、最具品位、最优秀的血统之一,今天的御茶园茗茶秉承和发扬了其优秀的传统,引导人们尽享尊贵、品位、健康、高尚的文化生活。<br> 御茶园茶业创立伊始,就致力于打造中国茶产业的顶级品牌,努力让消费者充分感受茶道文化的深邃悠远和博大精深,优秀的团队,现代的管理,高起点的品牌运营,睿智的品牌文化,造就了御茶园高速发展。目前“御茶园”已成为 集茶叶种植、研发、加工、制造、销售、网上购(、加盟连锁、茶文化研究、推广及茶叶深加工为一体的茶叶综合性集团企业。并在全球建立了100余家连锁专卖店,四家茶业大型卖场。<br> 每天在世界各地,御茶园的产品与全球各地区消费者发生着数十万次的亲密接触。御茶园茶业通过整合“产品、技术、渠道、人才、传媒、资本”资源,建立起有御茶园特色的茶产业全新商业运营模式。<br> “御茶园人”将秉持“创新、共赢、发展”的思想路线,坚持“生态种茶、科技制茶、科学说茶、规范卖茶”的经营理念,以“连锁经营服务”为核心,“品牌建设”和“资本运作”为基本点,把“御茶园茶业”打造成为“永不落幕的茶博会”。<br> in history, those which served tea to emperors and higher-up officials were reputed as “imperial tea garden” (china tea king in mandarin). china tea king has always been a symbol of the most respected, refined, and excellent branch of the tea family. today, our company—china tea king—inherits and promotes this refined tradition, leading people to live an enriched life. <br>ever since the establishment of china tea king, china tea king has been engaged in creating a top-notch brand in the chinese tea industry and striving to bring the profound essence of tea culture to the customers. the excellent teamwork, modern management and operation as well as its unique brand culture fuels the fast development of yuchayuan. to date, yuchayuan has become an integrated company linking tea plant, research and development, processing, manufacturing, marketing, online shopping, chain store, tea culture research and promotion, as well as deep processing. yuchayuan has set up over 70 chain stores around the globe and four large-scale tea shopping malls. <br>yuchayuan products are well sold around the globe. it has set up a unique commercial operation mode connecting “product, technology, channel, talent, media, and capital.”<br>yuchayuan people will carry forward the grand tradition of “innovation, win-win, and development, as well as the business philosophy of “ecological planting, scientific processing and introduction, and standardized selling.” it will maintain the idea of chain store operation, brand construction and capital operation, thus making yuchayuan into a long-lasting tea expo. <br> <br>御茶园资质和荣誉<br><br>北京青少年茶文化实践基地<br>福建省名牌产品<br>福建省农业产业化重点龙头企业<br>北京市商业服务名牌<br>北京市商业名牌企业<br>中国茶叶行业百强企业<br>中国连锁经营协办会会员<br>通过iso9001国际质量<br><br>注:请在邮件中注明应聘职位的名称或编号。并注明该招聘信息来源于www.51job.com查看更多
- 公司名称: 北京御茶之源茶业有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
- 地址: 北京市宣武区马连道路11号三层南区36号
- 法人代表: 陈昌宋
- 注册资本: 50万人民币
- 注册时间: 2007年04月05日
- 注册号: 110104010108197
- 登记机关: 西城分局
- 注册地址: 北京市宣武区马连道路11号三层南区36号
- 营业期限: 2007-04-05至2027-04-04
- 核准日期: 2009年06月01日
- 相关企业
- 城市招聘
- 热门职位
- 公司招聘
- 人才网
- 企业名录
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