lianda is a company specializing in tubular motors for shutters, awnings,garage doors,fire shutters,blinds and screens userd in home and buildings.its goal is to provide the best "value for money" to all it's customers, therefore contributing to the development of the industry.<br><br>lianda is building its competitive advantage on a superior product and process quality management allowing to serve both domestic and international customers with a reliable and reliable and flexible offer,tailored-made to their needs.<br><br>lianda focuses on providing quality motorization solutions to all professional operater from a new building of square meters,with modern production equipment and a production capacity above motors/year.<br><br>lianda is a joint-venture is an independant company with its unique strategy,product lines and brands.<br><br>lianda's payroll and benefit : 5 kinds of insurance and housing fund, and it can be operated in the other place, such as suzhou, kunshan, shanghai, etc, by foreign service. <br><br>lianda provides staff with many kinds of training to improve the staff's overall quality and help staff's career development. (such as english training, technical training, etc)<br><br>expansion of lianda: import modern production equipment and advanced process, with the support of somfy such as technical, funds, manpower, etc, our production capacity will be double, the sales volume will be increased drastically, and lianda will become the "best of both worlds".<br><br>lianda provides comfortable living environment.<br><br>besides, lianda provides shuttle bus between shanghai and nanxun. <br><br>联大是一家专业生产管状电机的制造企业,其产品广泛用于家用或商用的卷帘门,遮阳蓬,车库门,防火门,百叶窗和投影幕等设施。联大以提供给客户“物有所值”的产品为目标,为电机行业的发展贡献自己的力量。<br><br>联大以精益求精的制造工序和优质的产品供给为宗旨,正在建立起自己的竞争优势。其国际化的管理模式将为国内和国际市场提供可靠便捷的服务,并为客户量身打造产品以满足其需求。<br><br>联大拥有平方米的厂房面积,配备现代化的生产设备,年生产能力超过50万台,今后将集中力量为客户提供优质的动力化解决方案。<br><br>联大是一家中法合资企业,中方占20%股份,法方占80%股份.拥有自主的营销策略,先进的生产线及独立的产品品牌。<br><br>联大实行非本地人才灵活的社保及公积金缴纳政策,即通过服务公司按原帐户所在地政策进行管理及缴纳。<br><br>联大提供人性化的管理及发展空间,提供各方面的培训,提高员工的综合素质,为你的职业生涯发展提供良好的平台。<br>为员工为员工的职业生涯的发展提供平台.(英语培训,技术培训等)<br><br> 公司的发展前景:引进现代化的进口设备及先进的工艺流程,在尚飞技术、资金、人力的支持下,年生产量要翻一番,销售量大幅度增长,成为国内同行业的先行者。<br><br> 联大提供舒适的居住环境.<br> <br> 此外,联大将提供给员工至上海的每日班车服务。查看更多

- 公司名称: 浙江联大科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 电气机械和器材制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳与外国投资者合资)
- 地址: 浙江省湖州南浔镇科技工业园区2号路北侧
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: Bruno Rolland Joseph STRAGLIATI
- 注册资本: 7100万人民币
- 注册时间: 2005年12月08日
- 注册号: 330500400007990
- 统一社会信用代码: 91330500781846139P
- 组织机构代码: 781846139
- 登记机关: 湖州市南浔区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 浙江省湖州南浔镇科技工业园区2号路北侧
- 营业期限: 2005-12-08至2035-12-07
- 核准日期: 2019年11月25日
- 相关企业
- 城市招聘
- 热门职位
- 公司招聘
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