丹佛斯钦宝(杭州)热交换器有限公司,成立于2006年9月1日,是由丹麦著名工业集团——丹佛斯公司,收购原杭州钦宝制冷设备有限公司板式热交换器相关业务而成立的全资子公司,隶属于丹佛斯集团全球制冷与空调事业部。<br><br>公司现有厂房5000平方米,员工120多人,年生产各类板式热器近10万台,产值近万元( rmb )。<br><br>丹佛斯钦宝(原杭州钦宝),2001年开始引入钎焊板式换热器生产线,经过5年的飞速发展,已成为拥有先进的热工性能实验室以及国内最大规模产品生产线的专业板式换热器制造商。生产的钎焊板式热交换器已被广泛应用于中央空调、热泵、冷水机组、油冷却、采暖热水器等热交换领域。<br><br>核心的研发能力和独立的知识产权,使钦宝在国内同行业中始终居于领先地位,生产的板式换热器业已成为该市场领域的知名品牌,拥有客户超过1200家,在全国建立了强大的销售网络和技术支持,产品已经外销到10多个国家。公司于2002年通过了iso质量管理体系认证,并于2005年先后通过了ce(欧盟 ped )和 ul(北美 / 加拿大)产品认证。<br><br>成功牵手世界名企丹佛斯,成为其蓝色家族的一员后,丹佛斯钦宝将全面吸纳来自丹佛斯方面优秀的企业文化和管理理念,在技术、质量、服务、管理等方面全面提升。依托丹佛斯在全球强大的销售网络和研发力量,迅速成为全球板式热交换器领域的重要力量,我们的目标是——全球最佳!<br><br>company introduction<br><br>danfoss qinbao ( hangzhou ) heat exchanger co., ltd. was founded as a danfoss subsidiary company on september 1, 2006 after danfoss – a famous industrial company from denmark – purchased the brazed plate heat exchanger business of the former hangzhou qinbao refrigeration equipment co., ltd. it's part of the refrigeration & air conditioning division of danfoss a/s.<br><br>the company has a factory of 5000 square meters and 120 employees; its annual output is plate heat exchangers of different types with a production value of rmb 100 million.<br><br>danfoss qinbao (former hangzhou qinbao) introduced the production line of brazed plate heat exchanger in the year of 2001 and has grown into a specialized manufacturer over 5 years with an advanced thermal performance lab and the largest assembly line in china . our products are widely applied in heat exchange area like central air-conditioning, heat pump, cool water machine system, oil cooler, and heating, etc.<br><br>the strong r&d capacity and intellectual property right has enabled qinbao to keep its leading position in the industry in china . the brazed plate heat exchanger we produce has become a famous brand with more than 1200 customers at home and abroad. we have established a solid sales network and can provide strong technical support services, and our products are exported to over 10 countries. the company has got the certificate of iso in 2002 and the product authentication of ce & ul in 2005.<br><br>as a member of the blue family of danfoss a/s, danfoss qinbao will introduce danfoss' well-received corporate culture and advanced management concept to improve our technology, quality, service, and management etc. with the strong sales network and capability in r&d, we aim to become the global leader in the field of plate heat exchanger.<br><br>乘车路线:,三花工业园内。查看更多
- 公司名称: 丹佛斯(嘉兴)板式换热器有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 通用设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 浙江省嘉兴市海盐县武原街道谢家路1383号
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 注册资本: 448万欧元
- 注册时间: 2006年08月28日
- 统一社会信用代码: 91330000792092723R
- 组织机构代码: 792092723
- 登记机关: 海盐县市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 浙江省嘉兴市海盐县武原街道谢家路1383号
- 营业期限: 2006-08-28至2056-08-27
- 核准日期: 2019年06月17日
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