显邦电子有限公司是美国ocular公司在中国投资的独资企业,成立于1995年10月。主要生产液晶显示器、液晶显示模块、鱼群探测器及其它应用液晶显示器的产品。公司目前有900多位员工。产品广泛应用于各种仪器、仪表、医疗器械、家用电器以及交通、通讯等领域,主要销往欧美市场,客户包括世界知名企业如:ge(通用电气)、ti(德州仪器)等。<br><br>本公司实行五天工作制,为合适候选人提供福利待遇。竭诚欢迎各类专业人士加盟,共创美好明天。<br><br>ocular inc. is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of high-performance liquid crystal displays, modules and systems. our products are sold to more than 150 countries, major customers include ge, ti, ibm,etc.<br><br> headquartered in richardson, texas, ocular's main manufacturing facility is in zhaoqing (setup in 1995), which is a famous historical and cultural city (called duanzhou in ancient time) and national class tourist destination, highlights include seven star crags, mt. dinghu, city walls of song dynasty.<br><br> ocular has been keeping an exciting growth since it was founded in 1986. in 2005, we added a strategic investor, hicks holdings, llc, a major u.s. private investment enterprise, which owns and operates many professional sports team including the texas rangers baseball team, the dallas stars hockey team and the mesquite championship rodeo and liverpool football club of england. hicks financial backing will help maximize the growth potential of the company.<br><br> to join us is your choice. we welcome professional candidates to join us to create and share the splendid future of the company. we provide 5 day working week,benefits to the right candidates.<br><br>抵达方法:抵肇庆后直接搭出租车或摩托车,告诉司机去“显邦电子厂”即可。查看更多

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