公 司 简 介<br><br>深圳市万佳安实业有限公司为香港乐荣集团旗下企业,公司成立于2001年,是以研发、生产、销售闭路监控系列、指纹系列产品为主的高新技术企业。公司主要产品有闭路监控摄像机、指纹办公家庭门锁、指纹保险箱等,“relong乐荣”为公司的自主品牌。公司先后荣获 “中国安防诚信联盟企业”、 "中国安防产业50强企业"等荣誉称号,“relong乐荣”先后被评为"中国安防知名品牌"、"中国安防十大民族品牌"等。<br>目前公司员工规模近800余人,已吸纳硕士研究生10人,博士3人,拥有高级工程师12人,在国内安防行业率先建立了指纹算法识别技术研发中心、智能监控技术研发中心,目前公司在国内先后成立了16家分公司、拥有300多家“relong乐荣”产品代理商和经销商,并在海外注册成立了美国公司、英国公司。relong乐荣”系列产品已畅销全球80多个国家和地区。<br>以宽松的用人环境、富有竞争力的用人体制,以及广阔的发展空间,不断吸引精英加盟共同创造和发展。用精彩的事业吸引人,用广阔的发展留住人,用丰富的工作陶冶人,用合理的制度激励人,人才被视为公司最宝贵的财富。<br><br><br>美国乐荣 relong(u.s.a.).inc. :2211s.hacienda blvd, #105, hacienda hts. ca <br><br>公司网址<br><br>company profile<br> <br> shenzhen wanjiaan industrial company limited for the hong kong-lok group affiliates, the company was founded in 2001, is research and development, production, sales, closed-circuit monitoring series, consisting mainly of fingerprints series high-tech enterprises. the company produces closed-circuit surveillance cameras, fingerprint office family door locks, safes, and other fingerprint, "relong le-wing" for the company's independent brands. the company has won the "china security credit union enterprises", "chinese enterprises security industry top 50" honorary title, "relong le-wing" has been rated "well-known brands in china security", "china security 10 national brands." <br> the current staff size nearly 800 people, has absorbed 10 post-graduate student, dr. 3, senior engineer with 12 people in the country take the lead in establishing the security industry fingerprint recognition algorithm technology research and development centers, intelligent monitoring technology research and development centers, in the current domestic companies have set up 16 branch, has more than 300 "relong le-wing" products agents and dealers and overseas incorporated companies of the united states, the united kingdom company. relong le-wing "series of products have been deployed in more than 80 countries and regions. <br> lenient employment environment, competitive employment system, and a broad development space, and constantly attract the best people to join together to create and develop. with brilliant career attractive, with broad development retain people, the work of molding, using rich, with a reasonable incentive system, talent is considered the company's most valuable wealth. <br> <br> <br> american relong (u.s.a.).查看更多

- 公司名称: 深圳市万佳安物联科技股份有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 信息设备 — 通信设备
- 公司类型: 股份有限公司(非上市)
- 地址: 深圳市龙华新区大浪街道华旺路金瑞中核高科技工业园3号厂房2-3层
- 企业规模: 403
- 法人代表: 张能锋
- 注册资本: 9335.79万人民币
- 注册时间: 2003年03月10日
- 注册号: 440306104474683
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300746631108P
- 组织机构代码: 746631108
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市龙华新区大浪街道华旺路金瑞中核高科技工业园3号厂房2-3层
- 营业期限: 2003-03-10至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2019年10月16日
一般经营项目是:闭路监控系统、防盗系统、楼宇对讲系统、门禁系统、视频电子产品、 计算机系统集成的技术开发和销售,人工智能技术研发及应用、行业智能物联及家居物联等产品研发、销售,安全技术防范系统工程设计、施工、 维护及软件开发,货物及技术进出口。(不含法律、行政法规、国务院决定禁止 及规定需前置审批项目),许可经营项目是:闭路监控系统、防盗系统、楼宇对讲系统、门禁系统、视频电子产品、 计算机系统集成的生产,人工智能技术研发及应用、行业智能物联及家居物联产品的生产。
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