布雷博集团<br><br>布雷博公司是一家享誉全球的提供高性能汽车制动系统的跨国公司,在汽车制动系统技术方面处于世界领先地位,是业内公认的创新改革者。公司于1961年成立,总部位于意大利贝加莫。<br>布雷博为世界上的主要轿车,商用车及摩托车生产厂家供应高性能的制动系统,离合器,座椅,座椅安全带及其他赛车专用零件。brembo为f1法拉利赛车制动器独家供应商,iveco、雷诺工业车辆和梅赛德斯奔驰的战略供应商。此外,布雷博在赛车领域也是佼佼者,至今已经赢得了200多个世界级的锦标赛。目前,该公司在全球四大洲,14个国家拥有34个工厂及分支机构,约6000名员工,其中大约有10%的员工为工程师和产品专家致力于产品的研究和开发。布雷博旗下拥有brembo, brembo racing, breco, marchesini, sabelth和 ap racing等世界知名品牌。其年销售收入超过10亿欧元。<br><br>布雷博中国<br>在中国,2005年布雷博将中国总部设在北京,随后在南京和青岛分别设有加工工厂。布雷博在中国的公司主要有:布雷博(南京)制动系统有限公司,布雷博(南京)铸造厂,青岛布雷博贸易有限公司,布雷博北京办事处等。<br>布雷博(南京 )制动系统有限公司(bnbs)是布雷博与上汽集团东华汽车实业有限公司的合资企业,其中布雷博占70%的股份,东华占30%的股份。公司现有员工400多人,54名工程技术人员中,高级工程师15人,工程师20人。 bnbs致力于汽车制动系统及其零部件的开发、制造和销售,拥有自创建以来积累的具有自主知识产权的系列产品技术、从德国perrot公司和意大利brembo公司引进的具有国际先进水平的设计、制造技术;材料检验、产品检测、产品性能试验设备先进、齐全。公司先后通过了ts体系认证、iso/ohsas体系认证、iso实验室认可。主要产品:制动器模块化总成、制动钳总成、鼓式制动器总成、制动盘、制动鼓、制动泵缸总成、离合器泵缸总成。主要客户:华晨宝马、北京奔驰、福建戴姆勒、上海大众、上海通用、日本三菱、长安福特、南京名爵、南京依维柯、南京跃进。<br><br>布雷博集团非常重视在中国及亚太地区的发展,在未来的五年,布雷博计划在中国投资5000万欧元,其中1500万欧元将作为科研专项投资。中国区的科研中心将设在布雷博(南京)制动系统有限公司,其目标是将bnbs发展成为国内制动器行业的一流企业和brembo集团在远东地区的开发及制造中心。<br><br>brembo group<br><br>brembo is a world-renowned transitional corporation supplying high performance automobile brake systems; it is the world leader in the integrated industrial process and is generally acknowledged as the innovatory reformer in the design and manufacturing of brake systems. brembo was originally established in 1961 and its headquarter lies in italy bergamo.<br>brembo supplies high performance brake systems, clutch, car seat, car seat belt and other special components of racing car for the worldly major sedan, business vehicle and motorcycle manufacturer. brembo is the exclusive brake systems supplier for f1ferrari racing car, and the strategic brake systems supplier for iveco, renault industrial vehicles and mercedes-benz. besides, bremo is also the world leader in the design and manufacturing of racing car. up to now, it has won the world championship of over 200 times. now, the brembo subsidiaries cover all the four continents in14 countries with about 6000 staff, 10% of which are engineers and product expert dedicated in the product research and development. covering the world famous brands of brembo, brembo racing, breco, marchesini, sabelth and ap racing, brembo receives an annual sales income of over 1 billion euros.<br><br>bremo china<br><br>in 2005, brembo set the brembo china headquarter in beijing, and then nanjing plant and qingdao plant were subsequently established. the chinese brembo companies include: brembo (nanjing) brake systems co.,ltd, brembo (nanjing) foundary, qingdao brembo trading co.,ltd, and brembo (beijing) office.<br>brembo (nanjing) brake systems co.,ltd is a joint venture between brembo and donghua automobile industry co., ltd (now belongs to saic), of which brembo accounts for 70% of the share and donghua 30%. the current staff of bnbs is over 400, and of the 54 engineering technicians, there are 15 advanced engineers and 20 engineers. dedicated in the development, manufacturing and sales of the automobile brake systems and its components, bnbs owns both the self-accumulated product process with its intellectual property rights and the internationally advanced designing and manufacturing process imported from germany perrot and italy brembo. bnbs has passed the certification of ts, the certification of iso/ ohsms and the laboratory certification of iso in succession. the major products of bnbs are: modular brake assembly, caliper assembly, drum brake assembly, brake disc, brake drum, brake pump and cylinder assembly, and clutch cylinder assembly. its major customers are: bba, bbdc, fjda, svw, sgm, mitsubishi, cfma, nmg, naveco, nanjing yuejin.<br>brembo group attaches great importance to the future development in china and the asia-pacific area, and in the following five years, brembo plans to make a 50 million euro investment in china, of which 15 million will be specially used for the research and development project. the chinese research and development center will be set in brembo (nanjing) brake systems co.,ltd, so bnbs is targeted to become the first level domestic manufacturer of brake systems and the development and manufacturing center of brembo group in the far-east area.查看更多
- 公司名称: 布雷博(南京)制动系统有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 汽车制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 南京市江宁经济技术开发区西京路28号
- 企业规模: 500-999人
- 法人代表: Stephane Denis Jean Paul Rolland
- 注册资本: 7234.948万美元
- 注册时间: 2001年06月25日
- 注册号: 320100400014486
- 统一社会信用代码: 91320115728375219C
- 组织机构代码: 728375219
- 登记机关: 南京市江宁区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 南京市江宁经济技术开发区西京路28号
- 营业期限: 2001-06-25至2031-06-24
- 核准日期: 2018年11月07日
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