关于阿尔斯通<br>阿尔斯通是发电、输电设备和轨道交通的全球领先供应商,以创新环保的技术而闻名。阿尔斯通建造了全世界速度最快的列车和容量最高的自动化地铁, 并为各种能源形式提供交钥匙电站解决方案以及配套服务,涉及领域包括水电、核电、燃气、燃煤和风电。阿尔斯通为输电行业提供安全可靠的设备及解决方案,并致力于智能电网的研究开发和运用。阿尔斯通集团在全世界100多个国家和地区拥有超过名员工,2011/12财年的销售额达到了200亿欧元,订单额近220亿欧元。<br>关于阿尔斯通电网业务:<br>阿尔斯通电网业务有超过百年的电网发展经验。不论是在电力或大型耗能工业,用电集约型工业,还是推动能源交易的领域,阿尔斯通电网业务都为其客户项目提供输电业务服务。阿尔斯通电网业务在输电行业位居前三名,年营业额约为40 亿欧元。在全球拥有 名员工和 90 多个生产和工程基地。阿尔斯通电网业务部也是智能电网发展的核心力量,在整个能源价值链中提供产品、服务和能源综合管理解决方案——从发电、到输电和配电网再到大型最终用户。<br><br>about alstom<br>alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and associated services for a wide variety of energy sources, including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal and wind, and it offers a wide range of solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids. the group employs people in around 100 countries. it had sales of ?20 billion and booked close to ?22 billion in orders in 2011/12.<br><br>alstom grid has over 100 years of expertise in electrical grids. whether for utilities or electro-intensive industries or facilitating the trading of energy, alstom grid brings power to its customers’ projects. alstom grid ranks among the top 3 in electrical transmission sector with an annual sales turnover of more than ?4 billion. it has employees and over 90 manufacturing and engineering sites worldwide. at the heart of the development of smart grid, alstom grid offers products, services and integrated energy management solutions across the full energy value chain—from power generation, through transmission and distribution grids and to the large end user.<br><br>查看更多
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