about watsonswatsons, a flagship brand of a.s. watson group, is asia’s largest health & beauty retailer, currently operating over 3,200 stores and more than 900 pharmacies in 12 asian and european markets, including mainland china, hong kong, taiwan and macau, singapore, thailand, malaysia, the philippines, korea, indonesia, turkey and ukraine.watsons operates more than 1000 stores in over 100 cities in mainland china, with over 20 million members, making watsons the largest health & beauty retailer in china. watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable and ‘discovery’ shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers.watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing personalised advice and counseling in health, beauty and personal care on top of its market-leading product range, making customers look good, feel great every day. since 2009, watsons has been the no. 1 pharmacy/drugstore brand in asia*. in europe, watsons is also the leading health & beauty retailer in ukraine.*campaign asia-pacific’s “asia's top 1,000 brands” survey 2012 of over 5,000 asian respondentsabout a.s. watson groupa.s. watson group is the world's largest health, beauty & lifestyle retailer’s with over retail stores, serving more than 26 million customers a week in 33 markets. the group has the largest brand portfolios and geographical footprints in the retailing world, offering everything from health & beauty, food and electronics to perfume. it is also asia's largest health & beauty retailer and europe’s largest luxury perfumeries & cosmetics retailer. proudly supported by a global family of staff, the group is also a member of the world renowned multinational conglomerate hutchison whampoa limited, which has six core businesses - ports and related services, property and hotels, retail, infrastructure, energy and telecommunications in 52 countries.please visit for more in-depth information about a.s. watson group and its brands.关于屈臣氏屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团属下一旗舰品牌,是亚洲最大的保健及美容产品零售商,业务遍布12个亚洲及欧洲市场,包括中国内地、香港、台湾及澳门、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾、南韩、印度尼西亚、土耳其及乌克兰,经营超过3,200家店铺及超过900家药房。屈臣氏在中国100多个城市拥有超过1000家店铺和超过二千万名会员,是中国目前最大的保健及美容产品零售连锁店。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。屈臣氏一直领导着保健及美容产品零售业,为顾客提供个人化的咨询及建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类, 令顾客每天都能look good, feel great。自2009年起,屈臣氏为亚洲第一个人护理店/药房品牌*,同时在欧洲乌克兰亦为首屈一指的保健及美容产品零售商。*《campaign asia-pacific》2012年「亚洲一千最佳品牌」逾五千名亚洲受访者市场调查结果。关于屈臣氏集团屈臣氏集团为全球最大、引领健康、美丽和时尚生活的零售业翘楚,于33个市场经营超过家商店,每周服务2,600万名顾客。集团以最多元化的零售品牌及模式覆盖全球最多的地域,种类包括保健及美容产品、食品、电子产品以至香水零售业务;是亚洲最大的保健及美容产品零售商,和欧洲最大的香水及化妆品零售商。集团现聘用超过名员工,是跨国综合企业和记黄埔有限公司(和黄)的成员。和黄业务遍及52个国家,经营港口及相关服务、地产及酒店、零售、基建、能源以及电讯等六项核心业务。有关屈臣氏集团及旗下品牌资料,详情请浏览www.aswatson.com所有职位一经录用,公司提供五险一金,带薪年假/病假及有竞争力的薪酬有意者请按以下方式投递简历及相关证件复印件:1.请投递到屈臣氏店铺2.请发至以下邮箱查看更多
- 公司名称: 长沙屈臣氏个人用品商店有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 零售业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(港澳台法人独资)
- 地址: 湖南省长沙市雨花区芙蓉中路三段269号神农大酒店商务楼16楼A、B、M、L、K、J室
- 企业规模: -
- 法人代表: 倪文玲
- 注册资本: 2390万人民币
- 注册时间: 2009年05月18日
- 注册号: 430100400004876
- 统一社会信用代码: 914301006874234988
- 组织机构代码: 687423498
- 登记机关: 长沙市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 湖南省长沙市雨花区芙蓉中路三段269号神农大酒店商务楼16楼A、B、M、L、K、J室
- 营业期限: 2009-05-18至2039-05-17
- 核准日期: 2019年08月06日
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