Jungheinrich Introduction Jungheinrich group was established in 1953 and based in Hamburg, Germany, is among the world’s leading suppliers of industrial vehicles, warehousing and logistic technologies. In the industrial trucks area, Jungheinrich is No.2 supplier in Europe and No.3 in the world. The company has now evolved into a manufacturer and logistic service provider, offering its customers a comprehensive range of products including fork lift trucks, racking and storage systems, and complete warehouse logistic design solutions. In July 2004, the Jungheinrich Group set up its direct sales company Jungheinrich Lift Truck (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. headquartered in Shanghai, China. Today, Jungheinrich is present with its direct sales and service network in most of the main provinces and cities. Meanwhile, a well spread dealer network is under development. Jungheinrich’s business including New truck sales, Logistics System, Rental Service, Used Equipments, Financial Service, After Sales Service, which offers our Chinese customers various selection and best solutions. In January 2006, Jungheinrich Lift Truck Manufactory (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd was setted up in Qingpu Industory Zone,this is the only one factory in Asia. We are working at researching and producting the productors adapted to the needs of the Chinese and Asia‘s market. 永恒力简介 永恒力集团成立于1953年,总部位于德国汉堡,是物料运搬设备、仓储及物流技术领域世界领先的供应商,在工业车辆总体排名欧洲第二,世界第三。如今,永恒力集团已经发展成为制造型的物流供应商,可以为客户提供包括叉车、货架系统以及内部物流整合在内的全系列产品。 2004年7月永恒力在中国成立其全球第29个国家的分公司-永恒力叉车(上海)有限公司。公司总部设于上海,目前直销网络已覆盖全国各主要省市,分销商网络也在逐步完善中。公司的业务包括新车销售,系统集成、租赁服务、二手叉车、融资租赁、售后服务等,从而为中国用户提供多样化的选择及最佳的解决方案。2006年1月,永恒力叉车制造(上海)有限公司于青浦工业园区落户成立,公司是永恒力集团在亚洲地区唯一的生产工厂,致力于生产和研发适应中国市场以及亚洲市场的产品。查看更多
- 公司名称: 永恒力叉车(上海)有限公司广州分公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 分公司
- 地址: 广州市番禺区番禺大道北555号番禺节能科技园内天安科技产业大厦1座408
- 企业规模: -
- 法人代表: 白大平
- 注册时间: 2011年03月03日
- 注册号: 440126400012764
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440113569790772Q
- 组织机构代码: 569790772
- 登记机关: 广州市番禺区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 广州市番禺区番禺大道北555号番禺节能科技园内天安科技产业大厦1座408
- 营业期限: 2011-03-03至2034-06-30
- 核准日期: 2017年11月08日
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