珠海市菁华网络科技有限公司是英国石头卜传媒有限公司 sdobo media(uk)ltd 在中国的投资合作伙伴。 中西双方资源优化,整合网络科技与时尚传媒, 共创一个经典,独特和便利的时尚生活电子杂志平台.菁华的终极目标和使命是-为读者提供高品质生活享受,为客户提供优质,个性化高端商务服务, 同时,为我们团队营造轻松,和谐,中西文化融汇的友好工作氛围。公司座落于美丽的珠海市国家高新技术开发区唐家湾大学路101号清华科技园创业大楼。 这里有无尽的浪漫,也有来自世界各地创业和寻梦的人。菁华真诚邀请您加入我们团队,携手共创 fine born china.公司愿景: 以创造性思维,引领行业潮流,营造新兴社会现象。愿菁华(fine born china)成为一个倍受推崇的国际品牌。企业文化:与众不同,团结友好,积极创新,互助互敬。职业生涯:1、针对每位员工制定事业发展规划,让员工与公司共同成长;2、设立专项奖励基金,对优秀员工奖励和提升;3、积极提倡和激发员工的创造力,为优秀员工提供到海外工作的机会。公司福利:1、活动:不定期举办团队,社交等各项活动;2、保险:按国家规定为员工购买社保;3、假期:按国家规定统一执行;4、旅游:公司将不定期组织员工外出旅游。zhuhai fbc internet and technology ltd, established in march 2012, is a sister company of sdobo media (uk) ltd in china. combining british creative skills and a talented chinese workforce, the two organisations work hand in hand to create a sophisticated online magazine, available on desktop, tablet and smartphones, where readers can discover innovative and unique products and services to enhance their enjoyment of life.our bespoke platform will provide our clients with high-end b2b and b2c business solutions.our team of creative designers, software engineers and marketers are creating something new and exciting in a friendly, multi-cultural work environment.we are based in the most beautiful and romantic city in china - zhuhai. an hour from hong kong and bordering macau, zhuhai is a home of many dynamic entrepreneurs from all over the world.come, join us and be a part of it!our vision:to be the respected leader of fashion and lifestyle magazine in china, to become a global brand and to create a new social phenomenon.staff career development plan:1. we believe that we can only be successful by developing and nurturing our staff. we aim to provide an environment for individual staff members to thrive and develop, according to their own skills and talents.2. we aim to establish a special fund to reward and promote outstanding employees.3. we will not be a boring office environment. we encourage creative thinking and practice and aim to have an inspiring environment.we will provide overseas work placement opportunities for outstanding benefits:1. regular team building activities;2. provide health and insurance according to the chinese employment law;3. observe all national holidays.查看更多
- 公司名称: 珠海市菁华网络科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 研究和试验发展
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 珠海市唐家湾镇大学路101号清华科技园创业大楼B座B1103单元
- 法人代表: 王晓莉
- 注册资本: 50万
- 注册时间: 2012年03月15日
- 注册号: 440400000329669
- 登记机关: 珠海市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 珠海市唐家湾镇大学路101号清华科技园创业大楼B座B1103单元
- 营业期限: 2012-03-15至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2017年01月17日
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- 城市招聘
- 热门职位
- 公司招聘
- 人才网
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