(请将#改为@;应聘时建议您按照以下格式来命名邮件主题及简历文件的名称:姓名-现任职位-现任公司-所在行业-所在城市-年份)罗卡咨询是一家专门为国内外知名公司提供人力资源咨询服务的公司,涉及的最早业务是为全球猎头公司提供人才数据库,现已发展成为一家专注于人力资源招聘领域的全球化公司。现今商业环境正变得越来越富有挑战性,罗卡咨询致力于帮助客户更好的面对这一趋势以取得成功。我们的顾问来自各行各业的高级职位,有全球化的视野及丰富的行业知识,能够快速的把握趋势,保证客户每天都能够接触到真实有效,实时更新的信息。紧凑的项目时间表,丰富的数据库,全球化的网络,专业的服务态度,是更多国内外知名企业选择罗卡咨询的原因。罗卡咨询的全体同事每天负责任地辛勤工作只为取得良好的商业信誉及结果。更多信息请参阅我们的网站:www.roca-china.comroca international is a professional headhunting company which focuses on providing its potential client’s information and appointed candidates' information to famous firms worldwide. understanding that the current business community is now facing more challenges, we commit ourselves to delivering excellent services that enable our clients to win in the ever-changing world of work.most of our consultants joined our company from senior positions in the industry sectors they now serve. with global version and abundant professional knowledge, they grasp the trends timely, which ensure our clients have access to the qualified and updated daily information to achieve greater success.with our timely-scheduled searching process, rich database and global network, as well as professional services, it's not surprising that most of the world leading organizations corporate with roca international to receive qualified and updated services to support their businesses. all of our colleagues are willing to conduct business in an ethical and responsible manner.查看更多

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