罗格朗——智造电气 用心于众法国罗格朗集团成立于1860年,致力于为各类型建筑提供完整的电气解决方案,在80个国家设有分支机构,拥有名雇员,旗下经营着32个商业品 牌:罗格朗、视得安、卡博菲和bticino等, 个不同系列产品包括开关插座、智能系统、楼宇对讲、综合布线、线缆管理、低压产品等。french legrand, entered into china in 1990s, is known as global specialist of electrical and digital infrastructures. with excellent offers of a large product selection,legrand china is aimed to give complete solution forresidential, office, industrial, education & governmental, data center, and hospitality market. under co-operation of three subsidiaries in china, the brand legrand is running five commercial brands with qualified offers to provide ultimate user experiences.一个全中国范围内的强势占领90 年代初,罗格朗进入中国。20年来,我们一直以并购的方式迅速成长。在中国,我们拥有6000名员工,分布于上海总部,北京、无锡、惠州、东莞、深圳、香 港,以及45个大中型城市中的100多个销售办事处。我们的主要优势即强大的销售能力和经销商网络。2014年,罗格朗在中国管理着5个品牌,分别为tcl-罗格朗、罗格 朗、视得安、卡博菲和bticino,能够为客户提供任何项目的整合性解决方案。strong presence in chinaat the beginning of 90s, legrand entered china. we grow fast by acquisition these 20 years. in china, legrand has 6000 employees, in shanghai headquarters, beijing, wuxi, huizhou, dongguan, shenzhen, hongkong, and over 100 sales offices in 45 large and medium cities. our main advantage is strong sales force and distributor networks. in 2014, legrand manages 5 brands in china: tcl-legrand,legrand, shidean, cablofil, and bticino, which could offer integrated solution for all kinds of projects.公司官网深圳市视得安罗格朗电子股份有限公司2006年,罗格朗集团和视得安组建了一个合资企业“视得安-罗格朗”。在此之前,在中国安防工业产品方面,视得安是最大的企业之一,并且拥有超过600万的最终用户。视得安-罗格朗是一家专业生产智能家居和建筑对讲系统的企业。视得安-罗格朗通过3个品牌如:视得安,罗格朗和bticino来满足不同层次的市场需求。视得安-罗格朗的愿望是能够成为所有细分市场的领导者,提供最好的技术支持,并能够成为主要大建筑公司和系统集成商在中国的最可靠的合作伙伴。shidean legrandshidean-legrand has been a joint venture between legrand group and shidean since 2006.before that time, shidean was considered as one of the largest enterprises in china's security product industry and which had more than six million end-users in the same market.shidean-legrand is specialized in home automation and building intercom systems. shidean-legrand through three brands that are shidean, legrand and bticino is coveing different levels of requirements in the market. the ambition of shidean-legrand is to be the leader on all its market segments,to provide the best technical support in the market, and to become the most reliable partner for key construction companies and system integrators in china.查看更多
- 公司名称: 深圳市视得安罗格朗电子有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
- 地址: 深圳市南山区西丽街道高新区北区清华信息港二期科研楼5层510室
- 企业规模: 50-99人
- 注册资本: 3640万人民币
- 注册时间: 1997年06月17日
- 注册号: 440301501123471
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300279350584T
- 组织机构代码: 279350584
- 登记机关: 南山局
- 注册地址: 深圳市南山区西丽街道高新区北区清华信息港二期科研楼5层510室
- 营业期限: 1997-06-17至5000-01-01
- 核准日期: 2019年10月15日
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