company brief introductionepp—“efforts to reliability and green earth”.epp industries (holding) co.,ltd, incorporated in 2007, as a fast-grown pump, motor, sealing system, coupling, gearbox and engineering solution provider. our mission is to provide precision and reliability to clients by combining china competence and supply chain management services through our extensive network of chinese factories.epp's vision is to provide customers with the highest level of imaginable satisfaction by offering innovative solutions, cultivating long-term relationships, anticipating future needs and being highly responsive to their emergency situations at most cost-efficient base.over the years, epp has established itself in singapore, malaysia, indonesia, thailand and china market and moves to more and more markets.epp covers as below major fields and sectors:1. api pumps supply and engineering services: (oh1, oh2, bb1, bb3, bb4, bb5, etc).2. mining, flood-control big size submersible pump:3. hydraulic power generator and axial vertical mix-flow pump,4.1. pump design consulting;4.2. pump project engineering;4.3. pump project sourcing, supply chain management, quality controlling;4.4. pump spare parts oem&odm;4.5. pump parts reserve engineering and production;4.6. pump related software consulting and supply;4.7. pump product ranges are including: chemical processing, palm oil, sugar, paper making, mining, sewage treatment, sea water treatment, power plant(boiler feed pump-bfp, circulating water pump, condensate pump-cep), fresh water supply, vacuum pump, and so on.4.8. mechanical seals, including brands of burgmann and john crane;4.9. motors, including the brands of siemens, abb, teco, weg etc.公司简介东莞市奔浓进出口有限公司为润泵技研实业(控股)有限公司全资持有,为扩展在中国的操作业务而新创立的企业。润泵技研实业(控股)有限公司于2007成立,致力于为海外的工程公司,设备供应商,承包商,终端用户提供工程咨询,设备配套,质量控制,oem, odm,逆向工程,水力设计等服务。我们涵盖了工业泵应用的大多数领域,服务过technip, hatch, torishima 及andritz等著名的公司。我们与中国高端厂商有着广泛而良好的合作关系,自身也有出色技术能力。我们的期许:“为绿色地球提供可靠性而不懈努力”查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞市奔浓进出口有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 东莞市中堂镇大东向群英坊五街15号
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 庞杰文
- 注册资本: 50万人民币
- 注册时间: 2014年04月25日
- 注册号: 441900001939916
- 统一社会信用代码: 914419003038963697
- 组织机构代码: 303896369
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市中堂镇大东向群英坊五街15号
- 营业期限: 2014-04-25至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2016年11月16日
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