公司的文化 公司每年年终总结会议 KEO KEO(港奥)电梯是德国**的电梯制造企业,集电梯设计、研发、制造、安装、改造、维修、保养为一体,秉承日耳曼民族执着的性格和严谨的工作作风,在许多历史建筑中留下了斑斓的足迹,为德国电梯事业的发展做出巨大的贡献,在欧洲享有崇高声誉!KEO(港奥)电梯在百年的历史长河中创造了诸多奇迹! 2010年---KEO(港奥)电梯在中国广东佛山以“广东港奥电梯有限公司”进入中国电梯市场,从始开启了中国的电梯之路...... 广东港奥电梯有限公司以高质量、高配置、优惠的价格、优质的服务得到建筑师、承包商、开发商、使用单位的高度认可,并经过数年的积累和发展,企业已赢得市场和行业良好口碑! 我们认为:经营的基础在于沟通,经营的内涵在于创优,经营的过程在于全方位的质量把控,经营的目的在于为企业、社会创造价值,服务社会! 企业的成长在于人,而广东港奥电梯吸引人才的关键在于为您和我提供一个平等、和谐、有序并能充分施展事业的舞台,做到"港奥人"和"港奥事"相得益彰共同发展。为此,在重视激励制度的同时,我们更致力于营造一种爱岗、敬业、学习、团结的企业精神。港奥更像一所学校、一个家庭! 我们向市场郑重承诺:严格遵循和保护和谐的生态规则;用心、全心为提升人类的美好生活贡献我们全部的心力...... 选择广东港奥电梯就是选择:德国质量、可靠伙伴、安全和放心! KEO Elevator is an outstanding elevator manufacturing company in Germany and it is a comprehensive enterprise which contains elevator’s design, research, manufacture, installation, maintenance and repair. KEO Elevator enjoys a high reputation in Europe not just because of its persistent and strict working attitude but also the contribution to the development of the German elevator enterprises. KEO Elevator created many miracles in hundred years history. In the year of 2010, KEO Elevator entered Chinese elevator market with the name of “Guangdong KEO Elevator Co., Ltd ” and then starts its new journey of Chinese elevator. Guangdong KEO Elevator Co., Ltd obtains high recognition from the architects, contractors, developers and users. During the years development, our company also wins good reputation from the market and industry of elevator. We think: To operate a good enterprise, first, communication is the foundation; second, creation is the connotation; third, a full range of quality-controlled is the process of operation; last but not lease, our goal is to serve our society and create value to the whole company and our community. Staffs are the core in the growth of a enterprise. Guangdong KEO Elevator Co., Ltd provides an equal, harmonious and orderly career stage for you and me, on which we can express our talent and bring out the common development of “KEO people” and “KEO business”. Therefore, we pay attention on the incentive system, and at the same time, we try to build a atmosphere of dedication, learning, and unity, which will make KEO become a warm school and family. We make a promise to the market: we will strictly follow the harmonious ecological rules and protect the environment, and make a contribution to the better life of humanity with our heart and soul. Choose KEO Elevator means choose the German quality, reliable partner, safety and security......查看更多
- 公司名称: 华信精工电梯(佛山)有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 通用设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 佛山市南海区里水镇桂和公路岑岗路段,土名“大五亩”的厂房自编8号
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 林胜国
- 注册资本: 16800万人民币
- 注册时间: 2015年08月13日
- 统一社会信用代码: 9144060035194269XA
- 组织机构代码: 35194269X
- 登记机关: 佛山市南海区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 佛山市南海区里水镇桂和公路岑岗路段,土名“大五亩”的厂房自编8号
- 营业期限: 2015-08-13至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2018年04月24日
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