公司介紹 /COMPANY PROFILE Paul Liu Design Consultants Co., Ltd., withoffices both in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, is currently one of the most creativeand professional international companies in the hotel interior design industry.Under the leadership of Mr. Paul Liu, founder of PLD, the company has beensteadily growing with over 20 years of credible reputation and prudentmanagement style. As a pioneer of the "independent design" approachin the Chinese interior design industry, PLD separated the design process fromthe building decoration enterprises in the 90's, leading to a rising status ofthe design profession, higher respect to designers and recognition for theirprofessionalism, which brought positive influence on the development ofinterior design in China as well as the future of Chinese design industry. PLD刘波设计顾问有限公司,在香港及深圳均设有办公室,是目前最具创造力的国际化专业酒店室内设计公司之一,在创始人刘波先生的带领下,刘波设计顾问有限公司以二十年的良好信誉和稳健的经营作风使公司稳步成长。开创了中国室内设计业“独立设计”的先河,在90年代使纯设计与施工装饰企业独立,使室内设计更加专业化,设计师更加受人尊敬,设计师的专业价值得到肯定,引领了中国室内设计的发展,影响了中国设计业的未来。 Paul Liu Design Consultants Limited is oneof the most dynamic internationalized professional interior firms. Under theleadership of its founder, Mr. Paul Liu, Paul Liu Design enjoys steady growthbuilt upon about twenty years of reliable service and stable operation. 刘波设计顾问有限公司是目前最具创造力的国际化专业室内设计公司之一,在创始人刘波(Paul Liu)先生的带领下,以二十年的良好信誉和稳健的经营作风使公司稳步成长。 In 2002 , the company was classified as oneof the ‘Top 100 International InteriorFirms’ by ‘World Architecture’ magazine of UnitedKingdom; and in 2006 was rated second place in ‘Top 100 Interior Design Firms inChina’ by the Chinese edition of American magazine ‘Interior Design’. Thecompany is dedicated in interior design for high class hotels over the years.Composed by a group of high caliber technical professionals and a crew ofknowledgeable support staff, it is a professional design firm that demonstratesstrong team spirit and cohesive teamwork. Paul Liu Design believes that frominspiration down to implementation , every innovative concept goes throughhardship and challenges; therefore their designers are dedicated in followingthrough every phase of the implementation. 2002年即位列"世界室内设计事务所百强",2006年被美国《Interior Design》杂志中文版评为"中国室内设计-100强"酒店类第二名。在中国最早致力于高级酒店室内设计领域的公司,公司拥有一批高素质专业技术人才和配套专业人员,是具有强烈团体意识和合作精神的专业设计群体,我们深信每一个创新的意念,从孕育到实施必需付出艰辛的代价,所以每一个环节,设计师们都精益求精。 There is a strong belief in every member ofPaul Liu Design that ‘a successfulinnovative design can surely be implemented’. In the past, the company hasaccomplished numerous adorable interior designs and gained the recognition fromboth clients and property owners. “成功的设计创意是实现了的”是每个人信守的。公司多年以来 ,贡献了大量的成功室内设计作品,赢得了客户和业主广泛的赞誉。其受委托的室内设计个案涉及社会各个领域,尤其在顶级酒店室内设计上颇有心得, 成为亚太地区酒店室内设计新潮流的带领者。 The commissioned interior design projectscovered all areas of the community with special concentration on high classhotels which makes the company a trend setter and leader in hotel interiordesigns in Asia Pacific. Paul Liu Design Consultants Limited will continuetheir dedication in providing subtle designs of wisdom that blend orientalcharacteristics with cutting edge western approaches to actualize the company’sultimate goal-the creation of a practical, natural, and perfect interior space.Paul Liu Design is devoted in exploring the individuality, originality, trendsand styles in their designs. 刘波设计顾问有限公司将一如既往的坚持提供内容充实、充满智慧,体现东方特色与西方优势结合的精巧设计作品,以及坚持刘波人的理想——构筑实用、自然、完美的空间,致力于研究室内设计的独立和原创,时尚与风格。查看更多
- 公司名称: 深圳市刘波室内设计有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 建筑装饰和其他建筑业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司
- 地址: 深圳市福田区福保街道深圳市福田保税区槟榔道一号吉虹研发大楼B栋一层102
- 企业规模: 50-99人
- 法人代表: 刘波
- 注册资本: 50万人民币
- 注册时间: 1997年11月05日
- 注册号: 440301103131855
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300279396590R
- 组织机构代码: 279396590
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市福田区福保街道深圳市福田保税区槟榔道一号吉虹研发大楼B栋一层102
- 营业期限: 1997-11-05至2027-11-05
- 核准日期: 2015年08月17日
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