康辰医疗是一家专为驻穗的各国领事馆、内外企业团体和其他旅居广州的海外人士提供国际化标准服务的专业医疗机构。中心设有全科、内、外、妇、儿、口腔、中医、医学检验、医学影像等科室,设备先进齐备,环境优雅舒适,拥有精通英语和日语的医疗队伍及工作人员,为各国患者提供无语言障碍的诊疗环境。我们的目标是:努力以用全新的空间、全新的理念、全新的服务、全新的感觉打造广州地区医疗服务的著名品牌! 现诚邀各方精英加入我们的队伍,特别对于拥有涉外医疗机构相关工作经验的人士和相关专业的留学归国人士我们将优先考虑。 有意者可通过本网站、邮寄或Email等方式递交求职资料。择优录取。 Eur Am International Medical Center is located in the Central Business District of Guangzhou, China. Our center provides patient-oriented, comprehensive, and professional medical services, designed to meet the needs of expatriates and other foreigners in Guangzhou. Our clients include staff of foreign consulates and international companies, associations, as well as individuals and families seeking personalized care that meets international standards. Our center consists of medical staff with extensive international training and experience. We provide a full range of quality health and medical care services in English, Japanese, German, Swedish, Finnish, Korean, and Chinese. In cooperation with local and HongKong advanced hospital and international insurance companies, our patients have access to modern medical equipment, technologies and methods. Our services including_58_ Western General Practice Specialist Services Laboratory Radiology Pharmacy Dentistry Vaccinations First aid training Qualified candidates may mail CV to_58_ 1/F North Tower, Ocean Pearl Building, #19 Huali Lu, Zhu Jiang New City, GuangZhou, , P.R.C Or email CV to_58_ Attractive salaries and benefits packages are offered to the right candidate.查看更多
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