深圳市润泰供应链管理有限公司成立于2009年12月,注册资金RMB5000万元,是一家以物流服务、国际供应链服务和国际贸易为主营的综合性民营企业。营运团队吸纳了各行各业的专业人才,专注、专业、专心是我们的服务态度,我们的目标是与客户实现最大的共赢。公司服务平台将专注于国际贸易供应链、高科技行业以及供应链模式创新产品等方面内容,产品服务重心定位于通讯产业供应链服务范畴,依托营运团队对通讯产业的专业理解与分析,以合作伙伴方式和客户共同成长为目的,通过对供应链各个节点资源的优化与整合,渐进式地改善通讯产业供应链现有运作现状。 公司的客户服务理念是“Run In-Time(效率的领跑者)”,通过对自身和社会资源的有效整合,高精度地集成物流、商流、金流以及增值流,将为客户及合作伙伴在采购周期、制造周期、资金周期、物流周期以及质量控制等方面提供“看得见、摸得着”的整合性供应链服务。 RUN IN-TIME SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD was established in December 2009,the registered capital is RMB10 million. Our company is a comprehensive private enterprise, our main business including logistics services, international supply chain services and international trade. Our company recruited professionals from various industries. Our attitude is dedicated, professional, attentive service attitude; our objective is to achieve the maximum win-win result with our clients. Focus our products and services targeted at communications industry supply chain, service areas. With the operating team of professional understanding and communication industry analysis. Our aim is to raise the level of cooperation and grow with customers; we’ll through optimizing and integrating resources for each node of the supply chain, and gradually improve the existing operation of the communications industry supply chain status. Our market idea is “RUN IN-TIME(EFFECTIVE LEADER)," our company through effective integration its own and social resources , high-precision integrated business, logistics, value and cash, we will provide "see and feel" of the integrated supply chain services in the procurement cycle, manufacturing cycle, capital cycle, logistics and quality control aspects of cycle for our customers. 薪酬与福利 润泰公司相信当员工的业绩得到认可与奖励时,他们将会受到激励从而更有效地工作,这正是润泰员工为何能获得具有竞争力的薪酬福利的原因。 薪酬福利是公司以高于人力资本市场的标准而制定的,它包括现金(基本工资与奖金)、以及公司业绩奖金。最关键的部分是员工福利,与市场相比,这是一个非常全面、且具有竞争力的组合。它不仅可以满足员工个人的需求,也保证了给予家人的支持,例如医疗保险,住房公积金政策等。 为了使员工协调好工作与个人生活,公司的福利待遇还包括弹性工作制、招调户口,带薪年假、全薪病假、和国家规定的公共假期等。 Salary & Welfare We believe that when the employee’s achievement wins approval and encouragement,they will be encouraged to work harder ,this is the reason why RUN IN-TIME employees can gain a competitive salary and welfare. Salary and welfare are constituted above the average standard of human resources market, including cash (basic pay and bonus)、bonus for company achievement.The key part is welfare for employees,compared with market ,this is a comprehensive and competitive combination.It can not only satisfy employee’s need but guarantee sustain for their families,such as medical insurance,housing accumulation fund etc. In order to harmonize work and personal life for employees,the welfare treatment of our company include flexible work system, year-holiday with salary、sick leave with full salary and public vacation stated by nation. 培训和发展 润泰公司非常重视员工的培训和发展,在这方面公司投入了大量的资金。当然,这与员工个人的努力也是息息相关的。因此,我们鼓励并建议员工制定个人发展计划,以便明确个人的培训需求,在一定时期内实现个人发展目标并获得提高。 根据工作需要,我们将会为员工制定各种培养方案,同时也会考虑到个人的志向。公司将会根据员工的职业发展规划指定个人培训发展计划。 我们的培训形式多种多样,包括各种技术和管理培训、网上学习、导师制度、在职培训和自学资助计划。不论何种形式,每位员工都会获得全方位的辅导支持,从而使个人技能知识得到充分的提高。 Training and Development RUN IN-TIME puts emphasis on training and development for staff, so we devote a mass of fund. Certainly, it is closely link with effort made by our staff. So ,we encourage and advise our staffs to constitute personal development plan so as to make training demand clear, achieve personal development goal and promotion in a certain time. When needed, we will make all kinds of cultivate schemes for staff, and consider personal ambition at the same time.We will appoint personal training & develop plan according to staff’s career develop plan. We have many kinds of training ,including some technology and management training、study on network 、hierophant system、 training on job and self-study subsidize plan.No matter what form,every staff can acquire tutorship and support all around,so that to make full improvement on individual skill and knowledge. 关于不法分子冒充润泰供应链开展诈骗活动的提示公告 近期我们发现有不发分子冒充润泰供应链开展诈骗活动,为此我们郑重声明:润泰供应链不会以任何理由向面试者收取任何费用。特此提醒广大关心和有意加盟润泰供应链的求职者,请通过正规渠道(见下方)联系工作及询问面试结果,谨防上当受骗。 如您有收到或发现任何疑似诈骗性的信息,请立即向公安机关报案或与润泰供应链人力资源中心联系。 !查看更多

- 公司名称: 深圳市润泰供应链管理有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司
- 地址: 深圳市福田保税区桃花路15号嘉里福保仓储楼502单元
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: 高伟
- 注册资本: 5000万人民币
- 注册时间: 2009年12月16日
- 注册号: 440301104418156
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300699051898A
- 组织机构代码: 699051898
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市福田保税区桃花路15号嘉里福保仓储楼502单元
- 营业期限: 2009-12-16至2019-12-16
- 核准日期: 2017年11月17日
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