德国工业联合集团公司(简称德国IBG集团),是拥有近70个海外公司的跨国集团,总部位于德国科隆,所投资的产业涉及焊接技术、建筑化工和工业耗材等领域,旗下包括宾采尔集团( ABICOR BINZEL)、威尔斯通集团(WELDSTONE)、坚倍耐集团(KEMPER)等子集团公司。 1945年,宾采尔在德国吉森市成立。历经50多年的发展,宾采尔已成长为拥有全球最顶尖焊接技术的专业生产销售焊接辅助设备的跨国集团,资金雄厚,销售网络遍布全球。宾采尔在世界各地广设子公司、分支机构和代理分销商,建立全球一体化市场体系。公司在德国、捷克、瑞士、美国、印度和中国设立了生产工厂,业务遍及全球各地,每月向全世界的客户提供数万把焊枪和各种易耗件。 随着中国改革开放的深入,以及国内外市场发展的需要,作为全球同行业知名企业,宾采尔集团于1996年进入中国,投资成立广州阿比泰克焊接技术有限公司,经过几年的实践与发展,证明这是中国改革开放、招商引资、利用外资成功发展经济的又一成功范例。 广州阿比泰克焊接技术有限公司是IBG集团在中国的第一项投资。目前,IBG集团已经在中国投资了六家公司,包括广州阿比泰克焊接技术有限公司(独资)、江苏威尔斯通陶瓷有限公司(独资)、山东威尔斯通钨业有限公司(独资)、常州威尔斯通焊接技术有限公司(独资)、上海铠克液体表面防护材料有限公司(合资)、常州德而比焊接设备有限公司(独资)。 可以说,阿比泰克焊接技术有限公司的企业背景是质量与效率的结合,国际化与本土化的结合,长远目标与务实经验的结合,高标准品牌与适应市场需求的结合。 我们的企业使命:企业持续发展,永远创造价值 企业基本观念: 1.企业是企业人持续改进和创新的过程; 2.企业是在不断满足市场需求的过程中得以生存和发展; 3.人与企业与社会形成水手-航船-海洋三位一体的动态关系。 企业价值观: 1.人与企业,人与企业如同人与环境,人具本位,却依托与环境,对企业环境之保护和建设乃企业人之本份; 2.企业与社会,企业是社会价值链系统中主要价值创造者,企业与社会如同本源,取之于社会,回报于社会; 3.价值与价值链,质量为价值核心,价值链遵循矢量运算规律; 4.能创造价值的要素都是资本,知识经济时代,知识创造价值。 企业资源观: 1.人是核心资源并且掌管资源; 2.知识是重要资源且循环增值; 3.企业流程与体系是特色资源; 4.公共关系包括国际关系于企业是宝贵资源; 5.企业就是以最少的资源追求最大的效益。 企业人际观: 1.基于自我价值求取相互尊重; 2.倡导伙伴关系确立合作基础; 3.发扬团队精神讲究协同运作; 4.跨文化企业文化为企业特色; 5.爱屋及乌的氛围。 实行文化管理-自我管理:在危机意识和责任感中,追求自我而治、优化组合、持续变革、创新发展的企业管理的最高境界。同时加以重要性管理原则和例外性管理原则。 我们的发展战略:质量最优、专业经营、行业领先、持续发展 我们的管理人员行为准则: 1. 日常工作以身作则 2. 做一个善于沟通的管理者 3. 力求改变创新 4. 工作果敢决断:做出决定,承担责任 5. 鼓励同事,乐于助人 6. 爱厂如家 7. 自信,具职业精神 8. 努力向上,不断充电 9. 努力工作,善于工作 10.随时候命 11.确立并实现目标 公司福利待遇: 每天五点下班避开人流高峰期,方便员工回家; 员工入职购买五险一金, 另外,购买商业保险,逢年过节有过节费,年度旅游,丰富的员工培训等. ABICOR BINZEL brief portrait Founded in Gieen in 1945 Innovations at a high Level: 1963 Development of the first powerful MIG/MAG inert-gas shielded welding torches 1969 Start of production of TIG inert-gas shielded welding torches 1973 Development and introducion of the central plug and socket systems that subsequently became the European and world standard First generation of liquid-cooled MIG/MAG inert-gas shielded welding torches, MB-series 1974 Market introduction of the first generation of fume extraction welding torches "RAS" 1975 "BIKOX", the ABICOR BINZEL coaxial cable assembly with air-cooled MIG/MAG inert-gas welding torches MB take the market by storm 1976 Development of the first Binzel push-pull welding torch series Parallel to the introduction of the first robots in automotive assembly, ABICOR BINZEL began the development of systems for welding using robots 1984 Plasma cutting torches supplement the ABICOR BINZEL delivery range Further and new development of the robotic peripheral equipment such as e.g. the torch neck replacement system "BWS", tool changing system "WWS" and robot mounting system "CAT" 1996 The innovative torch neck replacement system ATS-Rotor is presented to the world public 1997 Multi-wire torches for the automated welding complete the ABICOR BINZEL welding torch range In close co-operation with leading car manufacturers the Master Feeder System "MFS" is develoved, which makes it possible for the first time to integrate aluminium welding into large-scale series production 2001 Presentation of the new torch generations ABIMIG, ABITIG and ABIPLAS 2002 Introduction of the ROBO Welding Torch ABIROB A350 GC - specially for the CO2 welding on the asian market Presentation of the powerful torch series ABIROB A360/A500 for air cooled robot welding in the medium automation grade 2005 With even more GRIP the MIG/MAG manual torch series MB GRIP (air and liquid cooled) introduces itself 2006 Introduction of the Tandem-Torches WH W800 - based on the well-known WH components - with quick neck change for high welding rates Presentation of the intelligent robot interface iCAT with collision detection software - torch mount with shock sensor for hollow wrist robots as well as introduction of the robot interface iSTM without shock sensor for hollow wrist robots providing collision detection software 2007 Wire feeding system MFS-V2 for high precision laser hot- and cold wire applications 2008 Presentation of the MIG/MAG-Manual Welding Torches Push-Pull Plus 2008 Completion of the product portfolio MIG/MAG-Robot Welding Torches by the liquid cooled neck change torch WH W500 and the Robot Welding Torches ABIROB A300 air cooled 2009 The liquid cooled torch system ABIROB W completes the ROBO product range for the medium automation grade 2009 Introduction of the new torch generations for the manual MIG/MAG and TIG Welding as well as for Plasma cutting ABIMIG GRIP A LW, ABIMIG GRIP W, ABITIG GRIP, ABITIG GRIP Little and ABICUT 2009 Market introduction of the Plasma arc welding system ABIPLAS WELD CT/MT for ratings up to 300 A with exchangeable torch neck (CT) and fixed torch neck (MT) ... and every day special solutions for our customers around the world with more than special designs and special torches produced every year. ABICOR BINZEL today More than 30 subsidiaries and sales partners world-wide More than 850 employees world-wide Manufacturing facilities in Germany (Buseck, Dresden), USA, Brazil, India and China Since 1995 the Quality Management System of the company has been certified according to DIN ISO 9001 High degree of involvement in research and development, supported by a uniquely well-equipped welding laboratory with computer and laser technology of the highest precision查看更多
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