伯明汉教育 BIRMY EDUCATION 伯明汉教育,致力于为企业发展与个人成长提供高端英语培训方案,先后在浙江、湖南、福建等地区设立成人、青少年、少儿高端英语培训等教育培训项目,并拥有独立的英语教育事业研发中心。迄今为止,伯明汉教育已经成功为上万名学员提供了优质、专业的教育培训服务。 为保障教学质量,向客户提供优质教育培训服务,伯明汉教育摒弃商业加盟方式,全部采用直营的运营管理模式,目前在全国共成立12所学校。统一的教学服务标准、管理标准、员工招聘和培训标准,为伯明汉教育的持续发展提供了坚实的基础。为了将优秀的教学体系和服务推广到全国,让更多人接受到更优质、更专业的教育培训服务,伯明汉教育还将坚持不懈的努力。 Offering great English training solutions for enterprises and individuals, Birmy is quickly expanded from Zhejiang Province and spread to Hunan Province as well as Fujian Province and other various areas. We are committed to provide advanced English training to all levels, including advanced English for adults, teenagers and kids. Birmy Education is a pace-maker in the English training industry, with departments specializing to research and further develop the effectiveness of English language study. So far Birmy has recruited hundreds of learners and provided an excellent and professional study service for the customers successfully. In order to ensure the high quality of teaching, Birmy offers excellent service. Birmy adopts the mode of regular chain management differing from franchise patterns used by similar English training organizations. Birmy has set up twelve English training schools in domestic areas under the consistent standards of service, management, recruitment and training, which laid groundwork for its sustainable development. For the sake of extending an excellent teaching system to the whole country, and to get more people to receive more advanced education, Birmy Education will continue making unrelenting efforts. 在这里您将获得: ☆薪资:行业内有市场竞争力的薪资 ☆社会保险:完善的社会保障体系 ☆免费工作餐 ☆员工活动基金 ☆节假日礼品礼金 ☆带薪年假 ☆员工旅游 ☆免费英语课程学习 ☆职业培训机制 ☆全国内工作调任机会 ☆年度家宴 侯家塘中心:长沙市芙蓉中路二段359号 佳天国际新城3F 八一路中心:芙蓉区八一路417号桐荫里小区3楼(省军区斜对面) 郡原中心:长沙市岳麓区金星大道468号郡原广场1-4F 四方坪中心:长沙市开福区三一大道312号华府一航线2楼南方航空旁 梅溪湖金茂中心:长沙市岳麓区梅溪湖金茂览秀城二楼L201号 椒江中心:台州市椒江区白云山西路191号(优加购物广场对面) 温岭中心:温岭市太平街道东湖路52-54号 黄岩中心:黄岩区世纪大道大环家园2号楼 玉环中心:玉环市东城路嘉汇大厦西面(城关实验小学对面) 路桥中心:台州市路桥区双水路刚泰商品北门1199-12号 嘉盛瑞景中心:厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455-465号 HR Email : hr@birmy.cn查看更多
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