“长安蔚来新能源汽车科技有限公司”成立于2018年7月,是长安汽车与蔚来汽车两大行业巨头,共同出资打造全新合创公司。以自主研发结合互联网基因,进军智能新能源车领域。 'Changan Nio New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.’was found in July 2018 by the two auto giants, Changan Automobile and Nio Auto. Marching Into the new Smart EV Field, both team up to create a brand new startup with the superior resources of domestic brand capabilities and the genes of an Internet Startup。 长安蔚来在中国新能源车创新中树立了新的标杆,在传统车企和造车新势力之外产生了另一跨界混搭风的全新物种。软硬结合着眼新能源、智能化新领域,从研发、制造、营销、服务到用户体验一体化的全产业链战略合作,引领行业技术的重大变革。 Changan Nio has set a new benchmark in China's NEV innovation space, setting the stage for a new crossover species to emerge and outstrip the traditional automobile enterprises and new vehicle startups. It focuses not just be new energy vehicle hardware but also smart technology software and data, and every segment of industry value chain, from R&D, manufacturing, marketing, service to user experience. This fully integrated approach will help lead transformation of the entire industry. 核心管理层架构董事长由蔚来汽车董事长李斌担任,副董事长由长安汽车执行副总裁李伟担任,CEO由杨放担任。长安汽车与蔚来持股比例各占45%,股权创新10%的股份将由管理层持股,以优势资源广邀全球精英。 The company names William Li, Chairman of Nio Automobile, as chairman, LI Wei, Executive Vice President of Changan Automobile, as vice chairman. YANG Fang is named CEO of the company. The company is funded by both Changan Automobile (45% share) and Nio Automoblie (45%) with innovation of its equity structure - a 10% stake in the new company will be issued to its management team. The international management team has begun to be formed and is attracting global talents with its superior resources.查看更多

- 公司名称: 长安蔚来新能源汽车科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 零售业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(中外合资)
- 地址: 南京市江宁区水阁路8号(江宁开发区)
- 法人代表: 杨放
- 注册资本: 9800万人民币
- 注册时间: 2018年07月10日
- 统一社会信用代码: 91320115MA1WUR5FXR
- 组织机构代码: MA1WUR5FX
- 登记机关: 南京市江宁区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 南京市江宁区水阁路8号(江宁开发区)
- 营业期限: 2018-07-10至2038-07-09
- 核准日期: 2018年07月10日
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