长城汽车哈弗技术中心始建于1998年,是长城汽车唯一的整车设计及研发中心。目前拥有8000余人的研发团队,包括外国专家200余人。配备国际一流的研发设备和体系,被国家发改委、科技部等五部委联合认定为“国家认定企业技术中心”,“博士后科研工作站设站单位”。 The GWM HAVAL R&D Center,founded in 1998, is Great Wall Motor’s one and only full vehicle design anddevelopment center. At present, our R&D team has more than 8000 staff,including more than 200 foreign experts. Equipped with world-class R&D facilitiesand systems, the center is accredited as “Nationally Recognized EnterpriseR&D Center” and “Post-doctoral Scientific Program Station Unit” by fivestate-level ministries and commissions such as National Development and ReformCommittee and Ministry of Science and Technology. 哈弗技术中心具备轿车、皮卡、SUV三大系列以及动力总成的开发设计能力,可同时开展长城、HAVAL、WEY三大品牌车型开发。在整车造型、新能源、发动机、变速器、工程设计、CAE、试制试验等领域都形成了自主的技术、标准及知识产权。 The HAVAL R&D Center iscapable of sedan, pickup, SUV as well as powertrain development and design, andis responsible for simultaneously developing three vehicle brands, namely GreatWall, HAVAL, and WEY. In the fields of vehicle styling, new energy, engine,transmission, engineering design, CAE, trial production and test, we have ourown set of technologies, standards and intellectual property rights. 为了实现国际化人才战略,哈弗技术中心积极开拓海外市场,在日本、印度、西欧、美国建立的技术中心已相继投入使用,为哈弗技术中心国际化人才团队建设打下坚实的基础。 In order to implement our Global Talent Strategy, the HAVAL R&DCenter is actively exploring overseas market. R&D centers in Japan, India, WesternEurope and USA have been set up and come into use one after another. This haslaid a solid foundation for the Center’s global talent building efforts. 长城汽车秉承“每天进步一点点”的企业理念,拥有先进的企业文化和管理团队,创建了独具特色的经营和管理模式,经营质量在国内汽车行业首屈一指,发展潜力获得了国际资本市场的肯定和国际投资者的追捧。 2004年以来,先后入选“民营上市公司十强”、“中国企业500强”、“中国机械500强”、“中国制造500强”、“中国工业企业500强”、“中国汽车工业销售收入三十强”、“中国企业效益200佳”等;并被评为中国机电进出口商会的“推荐出口品牌”,也是商务部、发改委授予的“国家汽车整车出口基地企业”。 近年来长城汽车发展获得国内外权威机构广泛认可,被评为“两化深度融合示范企业”、福布斯“2014亚太地区最佳上市公司” “2014世界汽车品牌百强榜” 、“2014年中联上市公司业绩百强”之首、”最具价值汽车类上市公司”、“中国汽车上市公司十佳” 之首等榜单。查看更多
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