nVent (NYSE:NVT) Just as every idea begins with a spark, we at nVent view the dawn of every sunrise as a new opportunity to ignite innovation. Our inventive solutions benefit customers around the world every day, keeping lights on, data streaming and trains running on time. From heat trace cables to enclosures to critical equipment enclosures to vapor-efficient fastening systems, we empower customers to improve performance, lower costs and reduce downtime. We are a $2.1 billion, high-performance electrical company with a dedicated team of 9,000 people and trusted brands such as CADDY, ERICO, HOFFMAN, RAYCHEM, SCHROFF and TRACER. Known for innovation, quality and reliability, our products connect and protect, consistently delivering value to industrial, commercial, residential, energy and infrastructure customers. While our name may be new, our products have set the standards for quality for more than a century. Today as nVent, we are focused and forward-looking, ready to build upon our legacy. The future is now. Our Mission: At nVent, we believe that safer systems ensure a more secure world. We connect and protect our customers with inventive electrical solutions. * nVent became a new company on April , after separating from Pentair. 盈凡 青岛 nVent青岛公司是nVent集团在中国投资建立的独资企业,成立于2000年11月,主要生产基地位于青岛机场附近的空港工业园,占地平方米,员工总数约600人,同时公司在上海、北京、深圳、西安、沈阳、成都、香港等地设有子公司或办事处。 我们的专业产品领域包括具有电磁屏蔽功能以及抗震性能的室内和室外的机柜系统、铝质和低碳钢机架系统,可置于桌面使用的机箱系统以及上述系统的温度控制解决方案等,并提供一流的售后及技术服务。 我们为电子、电力应用、通讯、数据中心、医疗、轨道交通和军工等行业提供各类机柜、机箱解决方案和系列产品及温控产品(德国Schroff电子机柜系列,美国Hoffman工业控制和温控系列),是GE、IBM、西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯、爱立信、惠普、诺基亚等国际著名公司的业务伙伴。 在nVent,精益生产理念始终贯穿在我们生产各个环节,以质量为本,专注于为客户提供更好的产品、更快的交货期、更有竞争力的价格是我们不断前进的动力。 以市场为导向,并始终走在行业的前沿,为每一位客户提供放心的产品、称心的服务,我们将百年的经验与中国客户紧密相连。 我们严格守法经营,通过并严格执行全球质量、环境和职业健康安全体系认证。 我们欢迎认同我们价值观的候选人申请我们公开招聘的职位,我们为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬福利,并对办公室职员提供工作午餐及往返青岛市内各区以及即墨、城阳和西海岸的班车。 我们的标准工作时间为8:00-16:30,双休。查看更多
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