佛山禅城区卡尔加里幼儿园 招聘班主任老师 工资:5-7K 提供食宿 联系电话:13826429857 邮箱 加拿大国际教育集团 Canadian International Educational Group 加拿大国际教育集团(简称“CIEO”)是成立于2000年的多元化国际高端教育品牌。CIEO建立起了从幼儿园、小学、中学、到预科学院无缝接轨的高质量国际化教育体系,分布在中国内地(广州、深圳、东莞、苏州),香港和泰国清迈等地。现拥有超过1600名来自海内外的专家、教师组成的专业团队,为来自全球40多个国家和地区近2万名2-22岁的孩子提供优质、高效的国际教育服务。 CIEO与加拿大、美国等地众多专业教育机构以及广东各级教育行政机关建立良好合作关系,积极引进国际先进教育理念和课程体系并融入中国优秀传统文化,推动国际教育部门和学校间的教育文化交流。 The Canadian International Educational Group (CIEO) is founded in 2000, which is a diversified, international, high-end educational brand. CIEO has established a high-standard, international system which includes kindergarten, primary school, middle school and preparatory school while forming high-quality international education teaching characteristics. These education institutions of CIEO are located in mainland China, Hong Kong and Thailand.The group employs a professional education team of more than 1600 people including international educators and Chinese teaching members who provide education services to nearly 20000 students between the ages of 2 and 22 from more than 40 countries and regions around the world. In addition, CIEO has gone into partnership with a number of professional educational organizations in Guangzhou, Canada and the United States with a focus on supplying advanced international materials and techniques for basic education and English training to both Chinese and international children.查看更多
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