mstar semiconductor公司是世界上最大的视频控制芯片提供商之一,其优异的混合信号处理技术及快速的系统整合能力为世界所公认。目前我们的display ic已经占了全世界液晶显示器销量的60%以上,其液晶电视类芯片在中国市场上也占了绝对的优势。核心技术包括高速adc, hdmi,音/视频处理,rf和基带。公司目前有六百多名员工,在上海、深圳、台湾、韩国、日本、欧洲,美国等地均设有办事网点。 为满足公司在中国业务快速增长的需要,我上海研发部门诚邀有芯片设计基础的工程师来共同创造一个美好的未来。 福利待遇:我公司将为员工提供优厚的工资、奖金、差旅补助、社会保险等。并根据职位和业绩分配公司股票和年终分红。 br mstar semiconductor is a world leader in display ic solution. currently our display ics are in over 60 percent of the world s lcd monitors, and in a dominant percentage of the lcd tvs in china. our technology spans from multimedia to rf communication. the company has over 600 employees world-wide, with operations in taiwan, china, korea, japan, europe, and the us. in the shanghai office, we are looking to hire a few bright talents who can take projects from concept to product release, under the leadership of industry experts in mixed-signal design. what sets mstar apart from the others are our design excellence, vast revenue growth, and the inspiring environment that sparks innovations. if you are looking to make a difference, to grow your career and be part of a winning team, mstar is the right company for you. mstar semiconductor (晨星半导体) has several design engineer positions available. candidates with master degrees or above in electrical engineering with a focus in ic design may apply.查看更多
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