江门杰利信抛磨材料有限公司Jacksonlea(Jiangmen) Polishing materials Co.Ltd. 是台湾信丰与美国JacksonLea合资于2003年1月于广东省江门市投资成立的独资企业,地处江门市高新区东升路185号. 公司主要生产及销售清洁剂、工业脱脂剂、酸洗剂、磷酸盐皮处理剂,各式固体及液体抛光油、各式抛光轮、砂布卷、砂布带、不织布、不织布轮等抛磨材料;抛光机及其配件及辅助抛光的产品等。公司产品自产自销,销往国内外市场。 公司专业生产的研磨抛光系列产品,设备先进,辅助业界自动化抛光,技术与服务的口碑颇受好评.产品广泛用于门锁、卫浴设备、钢管、钢板、飞机、汽车、造船、五金工具、餐具、家具、钢琴等涂装表面、医疗器材等产业。 我们的目标志在提供各式具竞争力的抛磨材料、服务与技术支持, 来协助客户成为其业界的领导厂商,期待能与客户建立供应链的合作关系。 集团成员: 1930年于美国成立JacksonLea U.S.A. 1969年于台湾成立信丰布轮工厂股份有限公司。 1986年于台湾与美国JacksonLea合资成立信丰化学工业股份有限公司。 1991年于中国上海与美国JacksonLea合资成立独资企业上海杰信抛磨材料有限公司。 2001年于广东东莞虎门成立上海杰信抛磨材料有限公司东莞分公司,服务广东东莞客户。 2003年1月信丰与美国JacksonLea合资成立独资企业江门杰利信抛磨材料有限公司。 JacksonLea (Jiangmen) Polishing materials Co., Ltd. has opened for business in it’s new facility at No.185, Dongsheng Road, Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangmen City, Guangzhou Province, China. JacksonLea specializes in unique buffing and polishing compounds and wheels for finishing metal. The company also manufactures and sells cleaning solutions, stabilizers, phosphoric acid treatments for salt spray resistance, as well as abrasive rolls, non-woven cloth, non-woven wheels, polishing and buffing machines and it’s unique applicators for compounds. JacksonLea supplies both the domestic and international markets, with plants in Shanghai as well as Jiangmen. JacksonLea specializes in assisting industry in it’ s move to automated polishing and buffing. JacksonLea’ s products are widely used for door hardware ,lock ware, bathroom fixtures, lighting fixtures ,aluminum and stainless cookware , plumbing hardware and fixtures ,cutlery ,furniture, piano and difficult and technical surfaces such medical and surgical equipment. Our goal is to help our customers be the most competitive in their markets by providing the best value in finishing supplies, service and technical support. Worldwide Support: China: Jiangmen , Shanghai, Dongguan Taiwan: Taipei USA: los Angeles, Conover North Carolina, Cincinnati, Ohio, Waterbury Ct. Canada: Mississauga (Toronto) Brazil: Sao Paulo Mexico: Mexico City, Monterey, Guadalajara Great Britain: Buxton, England U.S.A. 公司: U.S.A. 總公司:查看更多

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