panalpina is one of the world’s leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in intercontinental air freight and ocean freight shipments and associated supply chain management solutions.<br><br>thanks to its in-depth industry knowledge and state-of-the-art it systems, panalpina is able to provide globally integrated, door-to-door forwarding solutions tailored to its customers’ individual needs.<br><br>the panalpina group operates a network of some 500 branches in more than 80 countries; in a further 60 countries, the group closely cooperates with selected partners. panalpina employs some people worldwide.<br><br>solutions for a complex world<br>panalpina’s three core activities of expertise include air freight, ocean freight and supply chain management. the company has developed a comprehensive suite of products and services within each of these specialist activities.<br><br>air freight<br>with its global air freight network of hubs and sub-hubs, combined with its road feeder service or ocean freight connections, panalpina is able to offer clients a door-to-door delivery anywhere in the world.<br><br>ocean freight<br>ocean freight is another strong business arm of panalpina whose comprehensive ocean freight services are back by the expertise of local teams, who apply their up-to-the minute insights into local conditions to reduce the risk of administrative delays.<br><br>supply chain management<br>combining its experiences of air freight and ocean freight with the global coverage provided by hub and sub-hub structures and integrated road and rail feeder network, panalpina is able to provide an end-to-end service designed to meet specific requirements of the most complex integrated global supply chain.<br><br>panalpina china/taiwan <br><br>panalpina has been present in china/taiwan since 1976. presently, there are over 29 offices with a staff of over 1,000.<br>offices location<br>beijing, chengdu, dalian, fuzhou, guangzhou, haikou, hangzhou, hong kong, kaohsiung, macau, nanjing, ningbo, qingdao, shanghai, shanghai pudong airport, shekou, shenyang, shenzhen, suzhou, taichung, taipei, tianjin, urumqi, weihai, wuhan, wuxi, xi'an, xiamen, zhongshan<br>website:<br><br>泛亚班拿作为全球处于领导地位的物流供应商之一,主要从事洲际空运,海运服务。业务重点是国际综合物流服务,为客户提供全方位的供应链管理解决方案。<br>泛亚班拿运用丰富的业界知识和尖端的信息技术系统方案,泛亚班拿可提供环球特订、整合、门到门货运方案,这些服务是客户的信心保证。 <br>泛亚班拿集团网络约有五百个办事处地点 ,遍布超过八十个国家 ,并与另外六十个国家的指定合伙人有着紧密的合作。而现时全球约有一万四千名员工 ,泛亚班拿的业务遍布全球各地 ,与世界各地都有紧密的联系。<br>完善方案 助您驾驭复杂的商业环境<br>泛亚班拿擅长的三大核心业务是空运、海运及供应链管理。公司备有特为专门业务而设的全系列产品及服务。<br><br>空运<br>泛亚班拿拥有由多个集散中心和分支机构组成的环球空运网络,配套完善的陆海空多式联运服务或海运接驳,可在世界任何地点提供门到门服务。<br><br>海运<br>海运是泛亚班拿另一强项。公司的全系列海运服务由专业知识深厚的地方职员办理。他们时刻掌握最新的地方市场状况,尽量避免出现行政延误。<br><br>供应链管理<br>泛亚班拿拥有空运及海运方面的丰富经验,配合各集散中心和分支机构、整合公路及铁路联运服务创造环球覆盖网络,即使客户的综合环球供应链项目如何复杂,也能达到严格要求,提供完善的点到点服务。<br><br>泛亚班拿中国/台湾<br>泛亚班拿于1976年在中国及台湾地区成立,超过29个办事处,雇有员工超过一千人。<br><br>办事处地点<br>北京、成都、大连、福州、广州、海口、杭州、香港、澳门、南京、宁波、青岛、上海、上海浦东机场、蛇口、沈阳、深圳、苏州、天津、乌鲁木齐、威海、武汉、无锡、西安、厦门、中山<br><br>网址<br>查看更多
- 公司名称: 香港泛亚班拿中国有限公司深圳代表处
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 零售业
- 公司类型: 外国企业常驻代表机构
- 地址: 深圳市罗湖区深南东路2028号罗湖商务中心4201—4205、4211—4212室
- 法人代表: 余伟杰
- 注册资本: 0万人民币
- 注册时间: 1995年09月07日
- 注册号: 801547
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市罗湖区深南东路2028号罗湖商务中心4201—4205、4211—4212室
- 营业期限: 1995-09-07至2010-09-07
- 核准日期: 2010年06月02日
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