this is gkn<br><br>gkn's technology is at the heart of vehicles and aircraft from the world's leading automotive, offhighway and aerospace manufacturers. every day we harness our global engineering and manufacturing resources to supply the highest quality components, systems, structures and services to some of the world's biggest industries.<br><br>gkn looks for excellence in how we perform as a business, excellence in how we manage our impact on the environment and how we interact with the wider community of which we are part. <br><br>encouraging achievement by individuals and teams is at the heart of gkn's global drive for excellence. across more than 30 countries some people strive to improve our business through our technology, our processes, our products and our internal and external relationships.<br><br>if you're excited by the quest for excellence along with development opportunities, we would like to hear from you.<br><br>gkn group china office is the holding company of gkn in china.<br><br>please visit us at<br><br><br>gkn集团创建于1759年,至今已有近250年的历史。公司在建立一百周年时的1859年已成为全世界最大的钢铁公司之一。一次世界大战中开始生产坦克和舰船;二次世界大战中开始转入生产飞机和汽车,目前已发展为英国第二大工程技术型生产商。集团在全世界有280多个子公司和分支机构,员工超过人。主要业务有大型民航客机和运输机结构件,汽车传动系统,非高速公路用特种车辆,农用机械,粉末冶金,新型合金粉末材料,汽车零部件和环保用汽车催化转化器的生产制造等。<br><br>查看更多

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