敦豪全球货运物流(中国)简介 <br><br>敦豪全球货运物流( dhl global forwarding) 即德国邮政集团敦豪(dhl)旗下致力于物流货运的业务板块,在国内主要从事国际及国内空运、海运、行业项目/包机,客户项目管理以及国际供应链管理等业务。现有员工约2400人,在全国23个城市有37个分公司和7个代表处,是国内空海运行业翘楚。<br><br>公司目前正在实施“首选战略”,拟通过提高服务质量和创造令人愉悦的工作氛围成为客户及员工首选,使其不仅是行业最大,而且是最优秀的公司。<br><br>“快乐工作,快乐生活”是公司的核心文化之一,我们致力于让每位员工能在公司快乐地工作,并获取成就。<br><br>优秀的公司始终为优秀的您敞开大门!欢迎加入dhl大家庭!<br> <br><br>dgf china<br><br>with a coverage of 44 locations(37 branch offices and 7 representative offices) in 23 cities in china, full time employee amounting to 2400, dhl global forwarding is an undisputed market leader of air and ocean freight industry in china. <br><br>dgf major products provided in china include international air freight, domestic airfreight, international ocean freight, industry project & chartering, customer program management, international supply chain management.<br><br>currently, dgf is implementing the “first choice” strategy, aiming at becoming the first choice of customers and employees worldwide by providing high quality services and creating a desired working atomosphere, so to bring the company from biggest to the best.<br><br>happy work, happy life isthe core company culture, and you will have a rewarding and enjoyble experience in dgf.<br><br>we welcome more talented people like you to join dhl and creat a gorgeous future!<br><br><br>所述应聘人员无职位所在城市之户口限制,有意者请将中英文简历,学历证书,身份证复印件和近照一张发邮件至本公司查看更多
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