cp secure 是一家国际上领先的网络安全设备开发商。公司于2002年在硅谷成立。目前在美国、欧洲、中国大陆和台湾等地均设有分支机构。我们致力于推广高性能、易维护和低成本的网络安全解决方案。获奖产品 content security gateway为用户提供了强大的病毒和垃圾邮件保护,在欧美十分畅销。<br> 我们在南京的研发中心正在扩充。在与我们一起开发网络设备的过程中,您将有机会接触到电脑科学中的每一环节,从硬件到操作系统核心,再到应用层软件。cp secure 坚持为研发队伍创造宽松和有趣的工作环境, 以尽可能的鼓励创造和生产。这一文化传统使得我们持续的推出新技术并领先于竞争对手。我们期待更多天才的加入。<br> 如果您认为有兴趣并觉得能够胜任下列职务之一,请不吝与我们联系。加入我们,您将获得富有竞争力的工资和完善的福利待遇,包括有:年终奖金、项目奖金、法定五金、带薪病假、节日福利、生日福利、特别奖励,定期身体检查,外出旅游,在职培训,南京市户口,工作满一年后,还享有带薪休假(10-21天/年)等<br> cp secure is a leading manufacturer of network security appliances. it was founded in 2002 in silicon valley. we have set up affiliated groups in america, europe, china and taiwan.our mission is to deliver high-performance, low-maintenance, and affordable network security solutions to all of our customers. our award-winning content security gateway product offers superior virus and spam protection. the content security gateway is one of the best-selling gateway anti-virus appliances in the us and europe. <br><br> we are expanding our nanjing research and development center. while developing the most advanced network appliances with us, you will have opportunities to work on almost all aspects of computer science, from hardware to operating system kernels, as well as application software. cp secure has a long tradition in creating a relaxed and fun environment for our r&d staff to encourage maximum creativity and productivity. and this has enabled us to constantly come up with new technologies and stay ahead of our competition. we are now looking to have more talented people to join us. if you think you are a fun person and meet one of the job descriptions below, please do not hesitate to contact us.join us,you will acquire competitive earnings and consummate employee welfare system, which includes:year-end bonus,project bonus,legel insurance benefits,paid sick leave, festa&birthday benefits,special reward,termly body check&tour,ojt,nanjing group home residence,after one full-year in cp,you will be able to enjoy 10-21 days per annum paid vacations etc.查看更多
- 公司名称: 南京义铎科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 鼓楼区中山北路28号18楼1818室
- 法人代表: 季爽
- 注册资本: 170万美元
- 注册时间: 2004年07月13日
- 注册号: 320100400025950
- 登记机关: 南京市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 鼓楼区中山北路28号18楼1818室
- 营业期限: 2004-07-13至2014-07-12
- 核准日期: 2010年03月12日
许可经营项目:无。 一般经营项目:计算机软件、硬件、系统集成和相关配套产品的开发、生产、销售及技术服务。
- 相关企业
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- 热门职位
- 公司招聘
- 人才网
- 企业名录
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