西安艾菲特光电技术有限公司 (xi'an evenfit opto-electric technology co.,ltd.)是一家专业的机器视觉研究、开发、系统解决方案提供的高科技企业。公司长期致力于图形图像应用领域的研究开发,提供识别与三维等在内的核心图像算法解决方案。应用范围涉及包装印刷、电子、纺织、汽车制造、烟草、半导体、医疗制药、现代物流、交通安防等领域。<br>公司以“促进客户事业发展”为己任,提供实用、先进的解决方案服务于相关行业的开拓者。“技术创新与企业实际需求相结合”是公司产品开发的主导思想,也是公司提供产品和服务的指导思想。<br>作为一家知识型科技公司,在图像采集处理、计算机模式识别、机器视觉、图像处理与算法等领域技术力量雄厚,积累了大量的成功经验。公司从工业应用的实际需求和环境出发,开发了适应不同需求的ef—vs系列嵌入式机器视觉系统应用平台,目前已广泛应用于装备制造、工业部件检测、包装检测、印刷检测、工业测量、划痕(工损检测)等领域。<br>艾菲特光电致力于成为一家在印刷包装、集成电路、电子电器、汽车制造等行业领先水平的视觉系统解决方案提供者,为促进相关领域的发展提供及时、优质的本地化服务。<br><br>xi'an evenfit opto-electric technology co.,ltd. is special in the state-of-the-art technology for developing intelligent machine vision system and image procession system. evenfit mainly establish the system in the fields of image procession, image recognition and 3d reconstruction for the industry of package printing, electronic, weaving, automobile manufacture, tobacco, semiconductor, medical drugs manufacture, logistics services, security monitoring, etc.,.<br> we do our best for the development of our client’s enterprise. evenfit also design the effective and advanced solution for the pioneer of correspondent industry. we believe that technology innovation should be accompanied with actually demands of the corporation, which is also the faith to guides us providing the product and the service.<br>as a high technology corporation, evenfit has also accumulated rich experience in the technology and the algorithm of image collection, image procession, partition recognition, machine vision. from the actually industry demands and surrounding, evenfit has developed the ef—vs series embedded machine vision system for different demands, which had been widely used in system of industry manufacture, equipment components detection, package detection, printing detection, industry measurement, product damage detection.<br>evenfit devoted to be the provider for the machine vision system for the package printing, integrated circuit, electronic, automobile manufacture. we also provide efficient and high quality local service.查看更多

- 公司名称: 西安艾菲特光电技术有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 西安市碑林区南二环东段1号东方广场1号楼1401室
- 企业规模: -
- 法人代表: 王波
- 注册资本: 50万人民币
- 注册时间: 2006年08月14日
- 注册号: 610100100293050
- 统一社会信用代码: 91610103791657358G
- 组织机构代码: 791657358
- 登记机关: 西安市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 西安市碑林区南二环东段1号东方广场1号楼1401室
- 营业期限: 2006-08-14至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2010年04月21日
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