- wiener international fashion group - " an international organization with a worldwide experience of 46 years"<br><br>our company with the head office in maastricht (the netherlands) is an international trading company in textiles, which was established more than 46 years ago. originally we started with our own production in the netherlands and the business was developing quick and constantly. afterwards we moved our production to units worldwide and became successful.<br>we have now several units in asia: hong kong, philippines, bangladesh and china (shanghai, fujian, zhejiang) <br><br>we develop 2 times a year a complete collection of baby, kids, children, ladies, men's casual- and sportswear. further we provide a wide range of basic articles and special offer or stock lots, we offer continuing at very sharp prices. <br><br>the main reason for wiener's success in sales is our very low price-level. wiener's textile products are fashionable, trendy and up-to-date with a high quality standard against very sharp prices. <br><br>daily all our staff members watch and control on the spot the production, to assure the delivery of a correct product within the set delivery period. <br><br>our warehouse in rotterdam (over sqm) is constantly filled and ready to sell!! <br>we sell all over europe, but only to a selected group of customers, to keep them competitive with the wiener products on their market.<br><br>so...... let's start and get impressed!!!查看更多

- 公司名称: 上海奥铉特国际贸易有限公司
- 公司状态: 吊销,未注销
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 上海真南路4268号A1991号
- 法人代表: 陆素茹
- 注册资本: 3万人民币
- 注册时间: 2005年08月12日
- 注册号: 3101142118744
- 登记机关: 嘉定区市场监管局
- 注册地址: 上海真南路4268号A1991号
- 营业期限: 2005-08-12至2015-08-11
- 核准日期: 2005年08月12日
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