汇丰人寿保险有限公司(筹)是由汇丰保险(亚洲)有限公司与国民信托投资有限公司,经中国保险监督管理委员会批准筹建的合资保险公司。<br>汇丰保险(亚洲)有限公司是汇丰集团的创始及主要成员香港上海汇丰银行有限公司的间接附属机构。总部设于伦敦的汇丰集团在欧洲、亚太地区、美洲、中东及非洲82个国家和地区拥有约间附属机构,是世界最大的银行及金融服务机构之一。国民信托是一家经银监会批准,在中国提供广泛的金融服务的信托公司,其核心业务涵盖资产管理,投资银行以及财富管理等。2006年,国民信托被评为信托行业最有影响力的品牌之一。<br> <br>汇丰人寿(筹)致力于提供平等就业机会。我们珍惜每位员工的多样性,尊重他们的想法,观点,洞察力,以及他们所创造的价值。汇丰人寿(筹)热诚欢迎来自各方的应聘者。<br>您可以访问,以了解有关汇丰保险的更多信息<br> <br>hsbc life insurance co., ltd (preparatory) , approved by china insurance regulatory commission, is a joint ventured life insurance company between hsbc insurance (asia) ltd and national trust limited. <br>hsbc insurance (asia) ltd. is an indirect subsidiary of the hongkong and shanghai banking corporation limited. headquartered in london, hsbc is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. <br>national trust is authorised by china banking regulatory commission to offer comprehensive financial services throughout china. the core businesses of national trust are asset management, investment banking and wealth management. national trust was voted one of the most influential brands in the trust industry in 2006.<br> <br>hsbc life insurance co., ltd (preparatory) is an equal opportunity employer. we value the diversity of individuals, ideas, perspectives, insights and values, and what they bring to the workplace. applications are welcome from all qualified candidates.<br>more information about hsbc insurance please visit<br><br>请将您的中英文简历随附1寸照片通过信件或电子邮件的形式寄给我们。<br>地址:上海市世纪大道88号金贸大厦5楼 汇丰人寿保险有限公司(筹)人力资源部<br>邮编:<br><br><br>please send both english and chinese resume and one recent photo to us. <br>add: 5/f, jin mao tower, 88 shiji dadao, pudong new area, shanghai<br>postcode: <br>email:<br> <br>如无邀请,请勿致电或来访。<br>请在应聘信件或邮件中注明应聘职位及招聘信息获知来源,电子邮件中请勿携带附件。<br>我们对于相关招聘资料将严格保密,并仅用于处理工作申请。如申请者在八周内未被联系,可视为申请未获成功。<br> <br>no phone or walk-in acceptable.<br>please indicate the position you are applying for and where you are responding to.<br>please write/paste all words in body of email, do not attach any files.<br>data held by the hr relating to employment applications will be kept confidential and used only for processing applications. applicants who are not contacted within eight weeks may consider their application unsuccessful.查看更多
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