艰难创业,风雨兼程。今天的湖南通用电机泵业有限公司已是中国机电行业的名牌骨干企业,在国民经济建设中发挥着 “装备部”的重要作用。以湖南通用电机泵业有限公司为核心,由30余家行业内大、中型企业,设计院所和高等院校组成的紧密战略合作联盟,依托雄厚的技术力量和产品设计开发能力,精湛的生产工艺装备和强大的生产基地,广泛地服务于经济建设的各个领域。 <br><br>湖南通用电机泵业有限公司的产品门类齐全,涉及冶金机械,矿山采运,能源开发,电站辅机成套,城市交通,船舶,港口和海上钻井平台机电设备,输配电设备,城市高楼电控成套设备,给排水泵站成套设备,水利项目,环境保护项目以及电线电缆,电工材料等。可承接大型项目的设计,结合高等院校的科研力量的设计制造能力,形成了以科研,设计,生产,销售,服务的一条龙体系,充分体现了大集团的优势和强大的市场竞争力。从美,德,日,英法等发达国家引进技术和装备,使其成员单位的产品不断地上档次,上水平。一大批高,新,尖科研项目和产品,填补了国家机电工业的空白,为国家的经济建设和发展作出了重大的贡献! <br><br>专业从事工业控制自动化、直流交流、变流技术、永磁技术研发的高科技企业。公司研发及生产的产品主要有:工业控制及监测、直流变流器、交流变流器、永磁电机、电力发电电控系统、各种工业控制模块、铁路牵引系统和城市交通系统等。广泛服务于发电、电网、矿山、铁路、城市交通等行业。 <br><br>为了更加方便快捷地服务于用户,公司在国内外设立了32个驻外机构,认真执行用户服务第一宗旨。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。“诚信,创新”是我们企业的理念。我们锲而不舍地追求做精做强,为进步而永远拼搏奋进。<br><br>difficult venture, trials and hardships. today's hunan general motor pump industry limited is the famous chinese electromechanical industries backbone enterprises, in the development of national economy, plays a "equipment department," the important role. general motors to hunan pump industry limited as the core, from over 30 industries, medium-sized enterprises, design institutes, institutions, and institutions of higher learning of the close strategic cooperation union, relying on a solid technical strength and product design and development capabilities, superb production technology and equipment and strong production base, extensive services in the fields of economic construction. <br><br>hunan general motor pump industry limited a complete range of products, involving metallurgical machinery, mining transport, energy development, power plant auxiliary equipment sets, urban transport, ships, ports and offshore drilling platforms electrical and mechanical equipment, power distribution equipment, high-rise city, - complete sets of equipment, water supply and drainage pumping station complete sets of equipment, water projects, environmental protection projects, as well as wire and cable, electrical materials. may undertake large scale project design, scientific research institutes of higher education with the ability to design and manufacture, formed the research, design, production, marketing, the one-stop service system, fully embodies the advantages of the large group and strong market competitiveness. from the united states, germany, japan, britain and france and other developed countries to import technology and equipment, the member units of the product to keep the ground level, a higher level. a large number of new and high, with sharp scientific research projects and products, electrical and mechanical industrial countries to fill the gap for the country's economic construction and development made a significant contribution to! <br><br>professionals engaged in industrial control automation, dc exchange converter technology, permanent magnet technology developed high-tech enterprises. company development and production of products mainly include: industrial control and monitoring, dc converter, exchange converter, permanent magnet motor, power generation electronic control system, various industrial control module, railway traction systems and urban transport systems. wide range of services in the power generation, power grids, mines, railways, urban transport sectors. <br><br>in order to more efficiently serve the customers, domestic and foreign companies in setting up 32 institutions abroad, seriously carry out the purposes of customer service first. long road repair much of their fortune,吾将from top to bottom and explorations. "honesty, innovation" is our corporate philosophy. we do perseverance in pursuit of fine strength for the progress and hard work forever forging ahead.查看更多

- 公司名称: 湖南通用电机泵业有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 长沙市芙蓉区建湘南路154号
- 法人代表: 胡锦秀
- 注册资本: 300万人民币
- 注册时间: 2004年04月01日
- 注册号: 430000000019397
- 登记机关: 湖南省工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 长沙市芙蓉区建湘南路154号
- 营业期限: 2004-04-01至2014-04-01
- 核准日期: 2008年01月14日
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