pricewaterhousecoopers provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. more than people in 150 countries across our network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice.<br><br>"pricewaterhousecoopers" refers to the network of member firms of pricewaterhousecoopers international limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.<br><br>pricewaterhousecoopers china, hong kong and singapore operate on a combined basis, subject to local applicable laws. taken together, we have more than 460 partners and a strength of people.<br><br>the firm provides a wide range of services to help organisations solve business issues, identify and maximise opportunities. our industry specialisation enables us to identify trends and customise solutions for your sector of interest. each line of service is staffed with highly qualified, experienced professionals and leaders in our profession. these resources, combined with our global network, allow us to provide the support you need wherever you may be located.<br><br>we are located in these cities: beijing, hong kong, shanghai, singapore,chongqing, dalian, guangzhou, macau, qingdao, shenzhen, suzhou, tianjin and xi'an.china<br><br>hong kong<br><br><br>singapore<br><br><br>普华永道( 迎合各行业的需要,通过提供审计、税务及咨询服务,以建立公众的信任,并不断为客户及股东提升价值。我们分布在150个国家和地区超过 名专业人士,在我们的全球网络范围内分享他们的思维成果,行业经验和解决方案, 以制定新方针及提供实用的意见。<br><br>普华永道为pricewaterhousecoopers国际网络有限责任公司之成员机构网络,而其中每个成员均为个别及独立之法律实体。<br><br>普华永道中国、香港及新加坡事务所已根据各地适用之法律合并运营。合并后,员工总数逾人,其中包括逾460名合伙人。<br><br>普华永道为客户提供多种服务,帮助客户解决业务问题,发掘商机,抓紧机遇。我们凭借专业知识,为您所关注的领域解读趋势,度身定制解决方案。每项专业服务均由素质出众、经验丰富的专业人士以及行业领袖负责。除此之外,我们更拥有全球网络的丰富资源。无论您身在何处,我们都可以提供支持。<br><br>我们在以下城市设有事务所:北京、香港、上海、新加坡、重庆、大连、广州、澳门、青岛、深圳、苏州、天津及西安。<br><br>中国<br><br><br>香港<br><br><br>新加坡<br>查看更多

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