莫仕公司是美商独资的连接器生产厂家,成立于1938年, 总部设在美国伊利诺州的莱尔市. 公司在世界六大洲拥有58家工厂, 生产超过10万种连接器产品, 包括电子, 电器, 光线连接器系统, 开关连接器, 增值装配产品和应用模具等, 目前全球员工超过名. 我们的产品广泛应用于通讯, 家电, 汽车, 医疗等领域, 并享有极高的声誉.<br><br>公司提倡 ”以人为本” 的企业文化, 提供富有竞争力的薪资福利, 良好的工作环境. 公司每年针对不同员工给予量身定做的一系列培训, 同时提供员工海外培训机会, 并遴选优秀员工出国交流学习. 公司在上海市设有十几条班车线路接送员工上下班.<br>我们给员工提供就业条件,而不考虑员工的种族,肤色,宗教,性别,年龄,籍贯国,性取向,残疾情况.<br><br>molex was established in 1938 and is based in lisle, illinois. molex is the world’s second-largest manufacturer of electronic, electrical and fibre optic interconnection products and systems and is also making a variety of switches and application tooling. molex services a wide spectrum of business areas from mobile, telecom, pc and business machines to automotive, industrial automation and the medical sector. more than discrete product families are offered, both standard and custom designed and also integrated system solutions are expanding.<br><br>in product development centres, manufacturing plants and sales offices on six continents molex employ more than employees. as a one-source supplier, molex assures worldwide co-ordination of the resources to meet customers’ needs globally, regionally and locally. <br>molex offers equal opportunities to all employees and applicants regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation.查看更多
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