jade & company pte. ltd is a foreign management consultancy that provides engineering project management, purchasing, marketing and sales services. we focus our efforts on serving different sized enterprises, providing the platform for clients from north america, europe or china to enlarge their business in a worldwide base and bridging the commercial communication for both sides. <br><br>jade & company is managed according to north american business standards. we guide our clients through the particular legal and commercial issues or maze, facilitating the negotiation process and representing our clients’ interests with regard to local human resources and other operation issues. by keeping our focus on the worldwide corporate vision and the right business model, we grow by offering highest quality professional services. <br><br>jade & company (guangzhou office) is headquartered in the central business district of guangzhou with approximately 2,500 square feet of modern office space equipped with the latest communication technology. our network systems support all staff and partners over three sites in singapore, guangzhou and canada. <br><br>jade & company’s partners, managers and employees believe in the principles of: <br>“integrity, fairness and transparency” <br>we treat clients, business partners and employees as team members in pursuit of the same goal. we provide our employees with competitive salary & international working environment.查看更多

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