格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司是德国格特拉克(GETRAG)集团与江铃汽车集团(JMCG)强强联合,共同打造全球最优秀的传动技术产品与服务提供商,于2007年1月在江西南昌正式投入运营。GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Co., Ltd, the powerful combination between GETRAG CORPORATE GROUP (Germany) and Jiangling Motors Co., Group (China), was set up in Nanchang in January, 2007, as one of the excellent world class suppliers for transmission and technical service. 公司坐落于江西南昌昌北经济技术开发区,下辖四个工厂,分别为南昌工厂、DCT工厂、赣州工厂、于都工厂。GETRAG(Jiangxi) Transmission Co., Ltd is located in Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiangxi Province. There are 4 subsidiaries, two plants in Nanchang, one in Ganzhou and one in Yudu. 公司放眼全球,关注最新传动技术的发展,积极发展中高档手动及自动变速器产品,开拓高档轻型车、商务车和轿车市场,使产品质量和制造水平不断地达到国际先进水平,现已与国际国内几十家知名汽车制造商建立了长期合作关系,产品远销世界各地。Targeting for the global market, the company focuses on the latest transmission technology to develop middle and high-class manual and automatic products for light truck, commercial vehicle and sedans.GJT has set up long-term partner relationship with famous auto manufacturers in domestic and overseas and our transmissions are exported all over the world. 公司成立八年来,先后导入先进的手动及自动变速器开发和制造技术,取得了令人瞩目的发展。2014年全年,实现工业总产值37亿元人民币,变速箱销量突破 100万台,在册员工人数达4400余人,正力争成为国内第一、国际一流的汽车变速器及传动系统供应商。During the last 8 years, the company introduced advanced manual and automatic transmission technologies for development and manufacturing. The developments are remarkable. In 2014, the company achieved RMB 3.7billion revenue and 1 million units sales volume, around 4,400 employees. The company aims at becoming top class transmission and power train system supplier domestically and globally. 公司拥有一流的人才队伍和一流的开发手段,由多名国内外资深专家组成的研发团队,直接参与变速器的研发和制造。公司坚持与国内外高校和科研机构广泛合作,坚持科技创新,采用国际先进的新装备、新工艺,促使企业竞争力显著增强。The company possesses a first-class talent team and world class development skills. Experienced expert team consist of Chinese and oversea engineers direct participate in transmission development and manufacturing. GJT extensively cooperates with universities and scientific research institutes, through adopting advanced machinery and process to enhance our competitiveness. 在“精益求精、积极热情、团结合作”的企业精神激励下,格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司的全体员工正以“责任、忠诚、务实、进步”的行为准则,朝着“成为全球最优秀的传动技术和服务的提供商”目标阔步前进 In the spirit of Precision, Passion and Partner, all employees in GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Co., Ltd takes "responsibility, loyalty, pragmatic and improvement "as the standard, striding forward to become the best supplier for transmission products and service.查看更多

- 公司名称: 格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 其他制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(中外合资)
- 地址: 江西省南昌市经济技术开发区梅林大街169号
- 企业规模: 1000-4999人
- 法人代表: Peter Seidl
- 注册资本: 13127.923万欧元
- 注册时间: 2006年09月13日
- 注册号: 360000510000126
- 统一社会信用代码: 913600007928030385
- 组织机构代码: 792803038
- 登记机关: 江西省市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 江西省南昌市经济技术开发区梅林大街169号
- 营业期限: 2006-09-13至2021-09-12
- 核准日期: 2019年03月15日
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