valor computerized system co. ltd is a leader in productivity increasing engineering software solutions to the pcb design, fabrication and assembly industry. publicly listed on the frankfurt stock exchange (prime standard: vcr), valor is headquartered in israel with regional sales and customer service offices throughout north america, europe, japan and the far east. r&d facilities are located in israel, europe and north america. through innovative product development, exceptional industry knowledge and expertise, and strategic partnerships, valor has become a visionary leader in the global electronics market based on a solid, reputable, blue chip customer base. its customer base includes the majority of tier i and tier ii companies in the electronics industry, most of which are fortune-500 companies. more information on valor can be found on with the development and market requirements in far east, we are looking for following.<br><br>华莱科技有限公司是一间以色列背景的在德国法兰克福证交所上市的软件公司。股票代码:var.公司致力于为电子行业的pcb板设计和smt产线性能提高和优化管理软件的开发,在电子产品的设计和生产能力提升软件方面具有领导行地位。公司开发的odb++开放式数据格式被业界公认为该行业数据交换的标准。公司总部位于以色列特拉维夫,在北美、欧洲、远东和日本等地有着完善的销售和售后服务分支机构,产品先后被ibm、siemens、alcatel、nokia等众多国际一流电子产品设计和制造商采用。详情,请浏览 本公司网站。<br>为拓展亚太区市场业务,提高产品适应性。现将招聘所述职位。<br><br>someone has interesting with above positions, please sent e-mail to us.<br>(if you can’t ensure the attached file safety, please care to use attachment method)<br>you are also welcomed to visit our website!<br>thank you and best regards.<br>valor computerized system (shenzhen) co. ltd查看更多
- 公司名称: 明导阁科技(深圳)有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 软件和信息技术服务业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(法人独资)
- 地址: 深圳市福田区福田街道中洲大厦24层06单位
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 彭启煌
- 注册资本: 46.786万人民币
- 注册时间: 2006年12月12日
- 注册号: 440301503306926
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300793899350L
- 组织机构代码: 793899350
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市福田区福田街道中洲大厦24层06单位
- 营业期限: 2006-12-12至2036-12-12
- 核准日期: 2020年01月10日
- 相关企业
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- 热门职位
- 公司招聘
- 人才网
- 企业名录
- 职场资讯
当前位置: 人才网 > 深圳人才网 > 华尔莱科技(深圳)有限公司招聘
手机版: 华尔莱科技(深圳)有限公司招聘