our german headquarter is one of the leading providers in the european residential lighting industry , we see our role as that of a partner to local branches of the retail and specialist lighting trade.<br>our aim is to lead the way in product development, to identify trends and capture them rapidly within a modern design.<br>it is a strategy that has brought us dynamic growth ever since the company was founded over 45 years ago.<br>with each of the 400 or so products that wofi develops and markets every year , we accumulate new ideas ,experiences and knowledge.<br>in addition, we actively filter out the best ideas generated by the market and incorporate them straight away into our latest developments.<br>our single-minded determination to explore every aspect of lighting as an experience has earned us a trend-setting reputation within the industry that we not only feel obliged to live up to ; we also see it as a spur to further efforts .we know exactly what each of our customers wants from us: a well-defined product range that combines functionality ,quality, attractive pricing and a great service<br><br>with our rapid development, our dongguan office is now seeking for experts in the following positions.<br>please submit your full resume both in english and chinese with the present and the expected salary to us, should you<br>be interested in.<br><br>查看更多

- 公司名称: 德国沃菲灯饰有限公司东莞代表处
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 7201
- 地址: 东莞市虎门镇博涌区港口路与金龙路交叉口工贸大厦A座7楼A室
- 法人代表: 仵小涛
- 注册时间: 2003年11月13日
- 注册号: 441900500172266
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900756459591K
- 组织机构代码: 75645959-1
- 注册地址: 东莞市虎门镇博涌区港口路与金龙路交叉口工贸大厦A座7楼A室
- 营业期限: 2003-11-13至2031-12-09
- 相关企业
- 城市招聘
- 热门职位
- 公司招聘
- 人才网
- 企业名录
- 职场资讯
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