香港奇思环境设计有限公司(hks)是一家国际化的专业景观设计公司,提供社区居住环境,城市商业中心,建筑公共空间,旅游度假区等景观设计服务。我们既传承中国传统文化的精髓,又吸取国际先进的设计理念,突出景观设计的文化性、艺术性、科学性及生态性。我们凭借着一个高水平的设计团队及一个稳健的设计质量保证体系,向客户提供品质卓越和成本效益化的设计作品。 <br>公司经过多年的实践发展,在香港、武汉、厦门、福州等地区设立了分支机构,目前业务范围覆盖中国的大部分地区。我们希望通过优秀团队及先进的技术资源为客户提供高水平的服务。<br><br>hks environment design co.,ltd. (hks) is an international and professional view landscape design company which provides landscape design service for the residential communities, the city commerce centers,the building public spaces,the tourist resorts, etc. we inherit essence of chinese traditional culture, and also absorb the international advanced design concepts. we emphasize landscape design from aspects of culture, artistry and science. we provide our customers high quality and cost efficiency works rely on our expert team and our steady design quality assurance system.<br><br>after development for several years, we have established branch organizations in hong kong, wu han, xia men, fu zhou, etc. nowadays, our business has covered most parts of china. we hope that our outstanding teams and advanced technical resources can provide our customers high quality services.<br><br>2007年底为适应公司发展需要成立香港奇思环境设计机构武汉代表处,至今已承接多个大型楼盘项目的景观规划设计,在本地业界颇具盛名。<br>有意应聘者请将您的个人简历e-mail或邮寄至公司,注明应聘职位,合则电话约见,谢绝来访。<br>工作地点:武汉查看更多
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