we build smiles! <br><br>accor, global leader in hotels and tourism based in france, operates in nearly 100 countries with employees. listed on fortune 500, accor offers exquisite and elegant services tailored to each customer's needs through it's 4,000 long established prestigious hotels worldwide. <br><br>sofitel hotels & resorts is an accor brand that has a unique position in the world of luxury hotels. with 200 hotels in more than 53 countries, sofitel hotels & resorts is now present in prime business and leisure destinations around the world and has offered for over 30 years an "art de vivre" and "savoir faire" worthy of the international hospitality industry. <br><br>sofitel jin jiang oriental is a 5 star luxury hotel situated in a garden like setting in the east of pudong, the dynamic center of finance, culture and technology, shanghai premier address for conferences and exhibition with the latest in environmental friendly development and infrastructure. <br><br>associates are the lifeblood of accor. associates determine accor's image, determine whether the guests are satisfied, whether the rooms are clean, whether the food is top quality and, long-term, whether or not we stay and thrive in business. we believe that people are our greatest assets! <br><br>our values: <br><br>* trust - the reliability of accor's products amd services; <br>* responsibility - responsibility to the environment and local communities to our futures; <br>* innovation - diversity and creativity in every accor property and in every country; <br>* professionalism - warm, efficient service and local expertise; <br>* transparency - honesty and openness <br><br>if you are dynamic, multilingual, services oriented, and have one year above relevant experience in 4-5 star international hotels, please send your cv in english & chinese with 1 recent photo to us. <br><br>我们创造微笑! <br><br>法国雅高集团,世界酒店及旅游业的领导者,在100多个国家拥有超过16万名员工.作为全球财富500强公司,遍布全球的4000多家雅高酒店,为其宾客提供精致优雅,个性体贴的卓越服务. <br><br>索菲特酒店及度假村是在全球豪华酒店领域中独树一帜的法国雅高集团旗下顶级品牌。200多家索菲特酒店及度假村遍布全球53个国家的商旅胜地,以呈现其30多年来所秉承的“生活艺术”之服务理念而享誉国际酒店业界。 <br><br>东锦江索菲特大酒店是一座五星级豪华酒店,位于上海浦东的金融、文化和科技中心,毗邻各类会议和会展中心。东锦江索菲特大酒店集法兰西的浪漫气息和东方的高贵典雅于一身,以呈献其无微不至的宾客服务而满载盛誉. <br><br>员工是雅高集团的立足之本、发展之源。员工不仅决定了雅高的形象、我们的宾客是否满意、我们的房间是否干净,还决定了我们的食品是否是餐中佳肴。并且,从长远角度而言,员工决定了我们能否在业内立足和兴盛。雅高坚信员工是我们的最大财富! <br><br>我们的价值观: <br><br>- 信任 <br>- 责任 <br>- 创新 <br>- 专业 <br>- 透明 <br><br>如果您活力自信,具备良好英语基础及优秀的服务意识,并在4、5星级国际品牌酒店有1年以上的相关工作经验,请将您的中、英文简历附带一寸近照发送邮件或平信至本公司。未经预约来电来访,恕不接待。查看更多
- 公司名称: 上海东锦江大酒店有限公司分公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 餐饮业
- 公司类型: 其他有限责任公司分公司
- 地址: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区杨高南路889号1、2、3幢
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 注册时间: 2002年12月23日
- 注册号: 310115000728066
- 统一社会信用代码: 91310115750586047J
- 组织机构代码: 750586047
- 登记机关: 自由贸易试验区市场监管局
- 注册地址: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区杨高南路889号1、2、3幢
- 营业期限: 2002-12-23至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2002年12月23日
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