perfect way shanghai office. is a major actor in the usa & european retail and started his activity in paris 10 years ago who is now successfully running worldwide famous brands . in order to continue his development, the perfect way shanghai office is now opening and expects growing into a very active buying office. in order to meet usa & european market demands, we are now inviting qualified candidates for the position as follow: 1 merchandisers(业务员)<br><br>hongkong silvereed int'l ltd. is a major actor in the usa &european retail and started his activity in hong kong 20 years ago who is now successfully running worldwide famous brands like bcbg, alain manoukian, karl lagarfeld,.... more than 300 employees are working in the hong kong headquarter. in order to continue his development, the silvereed shanghai rep. office is now opening and expects growing into a very active buying office. in order to meet usa&european market demands, we are now inviting qualified candidates for the position as follow:2 merchandisers(业务员)查看更多
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当前位置: 人才网 > 惠州人才网 > 香港银悦国际有限公司上海代表处招聘
手机版: 香港银悦国际有限公司上海代表处招聘