美资herbalife(国际)是一家专业从事细胞营养研发与生产的国际化上市公司,总部设在美国洛杉矶,28年历史行销67个国家,年营业35亿美金。<br>herbalife china<br>herbalife has always been looking forward to bring its products back to the home of traditional chinese medicine. as such, as early as 1997, the company initiated its plan of investing in china. in 1998, herbalife (china) health products ltd. was established with a total investment of $31.25 million and its executive hub in shanghai.the company's manufacturing base in china was located in suzhou industrial zone and started its operation in 2000. this is herbalife's one and only manufacturing base apart from the one in america. products currently manufactured and sold in china are those in the fields of weight control, nutrition, health and personal care with protein drink mix as the core product, making the product variety reaching 20. all health products have met the american gmp standard and are produced and sold after the registration and approval by the state health authority. herbalife's output in the first year made it ranked among china's top 50 health products manufacturers. herbalife's products was sold in china starting the end of 2001 and the sales volume for the first year alone reached rmb 17 million.<br>*超强研发实力:拥有诺贝尔奖得主顶级研发团队<br>*趋势性行业:世界专利细胞营养科技,全新产业<br>*最佳进入时机:公司刚刚进入中国,个人发展晋升空间无限<br>*外资标准福利:众生性人性化福利,公平合理。<br>*寓工作于娱乐:工作时间弹性,轻松,有趣,还可在家工作,收入不封顶。<br><br>现启动中国市场。面向全国诚纳创业型人才:<br>(1)营销总监:绩效奖金、年终分红,月入6-15万。有独特前瞻性眼光,愿和公司共同创业;有领导者魅力和工作激情,深厚社会人际关系。<br>(2)销售经理:1-5万/月。有强烈挑战高薪的欲望和创业激情;良好的沟通和管理能力;有医药、保险、直销及高价值产品销售从业经验者优先;本科。<br>(3)销售主管(可兼职):3000-1万元/月。大专25岁以上,有医药、保险、直销及高价值产品销售从业经验者,应届毕业生优秀学生干部优先。诚实正直有梦想和创业激情。 <br>(4)销售代表(可兼职):元/月。大专25岁以上,有经验者学历可放宽到中专。有医药、保险、直销及高价值产品销售从业经验者,应届毕业生优秀学生干部优先。诚实正直有梦想和创业激情。可利用电脑在家工作。<br>(5)加盟商:认同健康产业前景;有前瞻性眼光,有投资2-5万元投资实力;有高端客户资源者优先;利润丰厚,事业良机。<br><br>想拥有长远事业吗,想实现财务自由吗?想翻身吗?<br>这是一个极好的创业平台,让你实现倍增的收入。<br>实现高薪梦。<br><br>国际公司),中国公司),<br>客服网站),员工培训)查看更多
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